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Barking Dog In Kennels (our Kennels And Our Dog)


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We have just built and opened a small boarding kennel, and we're getting busier everyday. The boarding dogs on the whole have been quite good - it's our GSD that is the problem. Everytime we take one of the dogs out for a walk he carried on, barking, howling, circling etc.. He has the the only dog for pretty much his entire 9 years of life and is very close to me, although he does the same when my OH walks the dogs and I stay cleaning the kennels.

It looks like jealousy to me, just unhappy that it is another dog and not him that's with us. He has a solid basic obedience education, and apart from this new behaviour he is a wonderful dog. Obviously his barking and carrying on sets the others off (not good for them) and also not good for our neighbours who are not close by but at 5.30am it is probably a little annoying.

I have tried letting him out first for a run and toileting - makes no difference. I have tried ignoring him - makes no difference. Tonight I tried walking closer to the kennel block and giving him commands to try and divert him from making the noise - made no difference. It is not possible to walk him and a boarding dog at the same time as most of the boarding dogs have had very little socialisation or obedience and it's a full time effort just to keep hold of them.

We also have a new pup coming in a few weeks and I don't want him to teach the new one this bad behaviour.

So my apologies for such a long post but I felt I should explain in a little detail. Any suggestions on what to do would be greatly appreciated.

Edit to add - it doesn't matter if we're walking within sight or out of sight the carry on is the same.

Edited by Blue Fox 001
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The dog isn't being 'jealous' :)

he is merely reacting, in the only way he can to the sudden and drastic change in his life!

Why does he have to live in the kennel?

Couldn't he be in your house somewhere?Or closer to it?

Could you take him for extra walks- give him some of your old clothing on which to sleep, a radio- a big bone in the mornings, or ....... ?

Put Rescue remedy or similar in his water bucket?

I understand you being frustrated- but the poor dog is having, midlife,- to adjust to something very much different.

I am sure there are folks here with kennelled dogs ,who can suggest things which may help-

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My Greyhound does this also.

I have tried putting her in the house when I need to let the others out of their kennels, leaving her in her kennel, ignoring her, giving her commands etc.

Nothing seems to work so if anyone has any ideas I would LOVE to know the answer too.

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The dog isn't being 'jealous' :)

he is merely reacting, in the only way he can to the sudden and drastic change in his life!

Why does he have to live in the kennel?

Couldn't he be in your house somewhere?Or closer to it?

Could you take him for extra walks- give him some of your old clothing on which to sleep, a radio- a big bone in the mornings, or ....... ?

Put Rescue remedy or similar in his water bucket?

I understand you being frustrated- but the poor dog is having, midlife,- to adjust to something very much different.

I am sure there are folks here with kennelled dogs ,who can suggest things which may help-

Sorry persephone I didn't perhaps add enough information. We have built an american barn, the kennels are in one wing, our kitchen is downstairs adjacent to the kennels and we live upstairs so he is in our house - they all are :) or rather we are in their kennel.

He is put in his kennel overnight and then let out to have the run of the place during the day when we are home. He has all his old things from the last house, his bed, his toys. There is a radio playing all day in the kennels for all the dogs and he/along with the others gets bones each night. He is not having a midlife crisis, he is a happy well adjusted dog, except for the fact that he seems to resent us spending time with the other dogs.

I don't believe he needs rescue remedy - more training probably. I have never done the TOT with him but maybe it is time to start, perhaps the Alpha heirachy has slipped.

Look foward to other response if anyone can offer some advice. :laugh:

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Okay I reckon and I am not an expert.

He is telling them all off because they are on his turf and near his deciples.

My 3 GSD rarely bark and that is the truth but take them to kennels and they become the worst barkers in the place, I cant believe.

My friend has kennels and GSDS they are not noisy either until their mummy goes near the kennel dogs.

Dogs in kennels bark it is a fact of life the only thing I can suggest is put him up in the kitchen or somewhere where he cant see you with these other dogs with the tv going.

best of luck

PS I reckon he is jealous :) he is a gsd after all and being a male is probably a sooky lala

Edited by kimoliverelka
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I understand you being frustrated- but the poor dog is having, midlife,- to adjust to something very much different.

Persephone did not mean he is having a midlife crisis, rather that at this advanced stage of his life everything has suddenly changed and he is adjusting.

he is a happy well adjusted dog, except for the fact that he seems to resent us spending time with the other dogs.

obviously he is not happy. Rescue remedy will not harm the dog but help him relax. It doesnt zonk them out it is not a drug. Maybe you need to take an overall look at his behaviour he sounds like he is doing his darndest to tell you he is NOT happy and wants you to make a change now. Personally I dont see the problem letting him wander with you since you let him be boss dog for all these years. If he carries on at dogs through the fences then you really do need to train him more to be accepting of what you want from him.

And yes he is a boy shepherd so a MASSIVE sooky la la :)

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I understand you being frustrated- but the poor dog is having, midlife,- to adjust to something very much different.

Persephone did not mean he is having a midlife crisis, rather that at this advanced stage of his life everything has suddenly changed and he is adjusting.

he is a happy well adjusted dog, except for the fact that he seems to resent us spending time with the other dogs.

obviously he is not happy. Rescue remedy will not harm the dog but help him relax. It doesnt zonk them out it is not a drug. Maybe you need to take an overall look at his behaviour he sounds like he is doing his darndest to tell you he is NOT happy and wants you to make a change now. Personally I dont see the problem letting him wander with you since you let him be boss dog for all these years. If he carries on at dogs through the fences then you really do need to train him more to be accepting of what you want from him.

And yes he is a boy shepherd so a MASSIVE sooky la la :cool:

He is definately a sooky la la :laugh: Ahh GSD people your so onto it :) You two have summed him up completely.

Apologies Persephone I miss read your post - he certainly is having to get use to lots of things at once and I think all in all he is coping quite well - it really is just this one thing. I am aware of rescue remedy, my vet use to use it quite a bit when I was vet nursing in Pt Macquarie many years ago. He use to make up remedies specifically for each patient taylored to their particular problems, and it did work a treat. I will order some when I'm next stocking up from the supplier.

He really doesn't seem unhappy with his lot in life - he does not bark at the others when he is left to roam on his own, he is not aggressive towards them, his behaviour in every other way is as per normal. I certainly understand he is not happy when we spend time with the others, he makes that perfectly clear :) I am sure he would like not to have us play/walk/spend time with the other dogs, but that is not an option and we will hopefully not be closing the doors on our new business in the forseeable future!

I don't much fancy having to control an out of control 8 month old ridgie X on a lead and not have the pup jump all over him or dart off in every direction trying to get at him - doesn't seem like much chop for anyone. I just can't see letting him wander with us working. We are currently building a play yard so each boarding dog will have free run of the yard each morning - I am not sure if his barking will continue if we're out there playing but able to go to him and reasure him that he is still the boss dog. And should I even be continuing to do this eg. sooky la laing him? I wonder if he will eventually come to grips with the fact that these dogs come and go and he still gets the most attention and is still top dog?

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