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Oh I can relate to this one! My Tibetan Spaniel pup Bella is 5 months old and also sleeps in our bed, along with our other dog Chester...she's a little snorer and snorter too & my Fiance kept waking Bella up last night trying to roll her over, or slightly move her so she'd stop...only to then wake up again in an hour & hear her snorting/snoring again.

Pretty funny coz she's absolutely besotted with him and just the last few nights she's been trying to snuggle up on his head to keep warm at night & being a little wriggle pot... :cheer: But yes the snorting/snoring can be a little annoying at times....but we wouldnt have it any other way.

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Delta was a bit like that in the crate. She started off waking about 5.30 and barking until I let her out but has slowly learnt to sleep in. I think that is just the time her body wanted to wake up, the sun was coming up and normal animals were waking. Me on the other hand saw no reason for us to wake that early and yelled at her to shut up or threw her outside. She is much better now and will sleep in a crate until about 9 or 10, longer if covered with something that cannot be pulled through the bars. If she is loose in the room she wakes about 7.30 which is still a huge improvement.

Eventually they do start sleeping longer but it doesn't happen overnight Im sorry to say.

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Pepe used to wake us early in the morning but know he has realised that if wakes us then he gets put outside in the freezing cold yard to go to the toilet. He prefers to sleep in now and you would be hard pressed to get him out from under his blanket before 11 :)

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Ah dogs can be so funny. My OH gets grumpy at me bringing the dogs into the bed....but they don't wake him up, they wake me up so I think who cares??

Does your OH get along with the dog Shmoo?? You don't want him associating the OH with bad things ie not being able to sleep with you as he has done for so long......he might take it out on the OH and make things worse between them! You're trying the crate thing so ask OH to have some patience.

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OH does get along with the dogs. Thats a good point thou. But yes he does adore them like I do and currently he is watching Star Wars laying on the couch with a blankie and the dogs curled up under it. I have some really cute shots of them all sleeping on the couch but I think I will be quickly single if I post them up :hitself:

I'm hoping with time things get easier.

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