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Erny Has Puppy Breath In The Home!


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Thanks AP ..... I had a bit of a look through the list in the link you provided. Not sure - I like many of the 'meanings' but not necessarily the sound of the actual name/s.

ATM I'm seriously contemplating "Mandela" ..... it fits in with "Little Man". I still have to get my head around what it's going to sound like when later, I do a distance recall and sing out "Hey!! Man!! Come!!"

:) ..... you never know, I could either 'get lucky' or get more than I bargained for!!!!

I could also use "Nelson" for when pup's in trouble :)

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A belated congratulations on your bundle of joy :laugh: I still like Roger the Ridgy. My husband wants to call a boy Keith :)

He sounds as though he has some similar ancestry to my miss Jemima (this of course is Zulu for WILD CHILD) :)

Her litter were all named after famous records!! So she's Churingaloge SilkDegrees

what a mouthful :)

See how quickly they grow... from 13 weeks to 9 months!



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I love Mandela :cheer:

Thanks Rusky. I like everything the name represents .... and I don't mind the name itself, but not sure I like anything that it can be shortened down to. :thanks: .... name picking is harder than puppy picking!!!

Pup went to first puppy school today. We were blessed with a beautiful sunny warm morning (which is a pre-requisite for RR's :cheer:). At first he was happy for me to sit on the ground and he on my lap whilst he watched the hoards of other pups (varying ages) doing their 'thing'. After a few minutes or so, his confidence kicked in and he ventured out to meet with a few of the others. There was no stopping him after that and if anything I had to disrupt and distract him because he was getting a little bit over the top with a couple of the 'softer' and smaller pups. He did the puppy tunnel, although we did this when everyone else was finished, him being the youngest pup there and his first time out. No probs with the tunnel :laugh:.

He's had a little collar on him for a couple of days - no probs at all. Today was first day with a lead on and he didn't blink an eye-lid at it.

We went for a bit of a walk around whilst the other classes of older dogs were in training. He got pooped out by it all and ended up zonking out inside my jacket. We came home then.

He had a bit of a play (and toilet, of course) when we got home. Then a meal. Now he's zonked out again on a blanket at my feet.

Going out again this afternoon while I give a lesson to someone else. Then I think I'll take him over to meet my folks.

All in all ..... a big day for the little man, but he's taking it all in his stride. :clap:

Tomorrow we'll most likely venture out to puppy school again (weather dependent) and in between my day's commitments also plan to lightly/gently introduce him to the sounds of trains as they come into the station.

RR - thanks for the last link. I will look through it again more thoroughly to see if a name 'pops' out at me. I am a little concerned that my little man will be three years old and I'll still be calling him "pup, pup, pppup" ;).

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He's very, very cute. Got that innocent head tilt happening very nicely too. That gets puppies out of tons of trouble!

Names...how about Kruger, Shaka, Christiaan (after Christiaan Barnard, the heart surgeon).

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Ahhh, what a cutie pie!!

I can't believe you haven't named him yet...isn't any name coming to you when you look at him, think about him? We had a short list (that got changed as we saw more of the pup) and the name just popped for us on all three of ours so far. Good luck with it - you gotta decide soon or he's going to get a complex and you'll be calling him "puppy" when he's 11! LOL

Come to think of it, I called our first big girl "Darling Puppy" or her real name, Diva, all through her life...

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