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Erny Has Puppy Breath In The Home!


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Oooooh Erny, you didn't tell me that puppy was not long on its way when I spoke to you earlier this week......Hmmmm.

I kept it low key, Kelpie-i. In case it didn't work out. But I'm glad it did :D.

He's gorgeous and has trouble written all over his face.

Trouble is right.

Seriously, congratulations on the arrival of Hank the Tank (don't know if you've named him yet but thought I'd add my suggestion). I cannot wait to meet him.

Perhaps I can drop by on my way to one of our "airport socialisation" trips? :eek:

I haven't named him yet, KI. :) "Rijstone Hank the Tank". Breeder will be pleased, do you think? LOL

It's enough to send you to the land of :laugh: and ;)

Drink? ..... Ahhh - that sounds like a great idea. Erny wanders down to the cellar ............ :smurf:

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We could make her practise without a dog to be sure :lmao:

LOL ..... What? Get up every two hours just for a dry run (no pun intended) "toilet training practice" ???? Yeah - like THAT is going to happen! :laugh:

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other than naming the puppy what are the plans for the puppy?

Plans will unfold as they go. For the moment, concentrating on broad spectrum socialisation - especially public transport and crowds. Beyond that, I thought he could train up to be my secretary - tend to phone calls/take messages; bill payments etc. etc. Oh - and to do my ironing and put out the bins on garbo night. I am starting him on "observational training" as soon as possible :laugh:.

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Erny - Knew you would end up with another ridgy - they are addictive... :)

Hope you put puppy pics up in the ridgeback thread too!!!

Thanks RR (funny about your initials ??? ;)) I will put more photo's up. Honestly - today has been full on and I didn't get chance for too many photo's today, let alone upload them. But they will come :D.

Yes - it is dang hard to go past Ridgy Wrinkles :eek:.

Thank you everyone, for your kind wishes and "congratulations". I haven't responded individually to everyone, but please know that I am stoked at how many have wished us well :).

The next day will hopefully see us closer to a 'routine' and will permit me a chance to spend the time to take and upload some more photo's.


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He is just the most beautiful puppy ever. Congrats Erny :)

Thank you Amypie. I think we all think pups are beautiful, and our own even more so!! He is such a cute little man (what's "Little Man" in Afrikaans? ............ or could he end up with a complex about that one?) and he certainly shows some spunk (when he's not eating, sleeping, weeing or pooing :))

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