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What To Expect With A Brand New Puppy/hints Tips With A New Pup


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I want to add a page to my web site, of what to expect when you get your new puppy, and also any hints or tips that breeders like to add.

Do you have anything to add? Hints, tips, ideas or advice? All that go on my web site will be with your name, im not going to steal your ideas, and ill put up my web site for you to look at.

Thanks for all bit of information!

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you've gt crying and crying and crying and crying and crying? :p

my experience was a lot of clingy puppy, since she decided i was the new mum.

and then the toileting issue is one.

um, i had a it of a prob teaching her who was boss, with mouthing, and then feeding.

and i was terrified that she would hurt herself on everything, forgetting how hardy she was.

and the big one, no sleep for a few days while she settles in, then having to run her to the toilet.

i think they were the biggies.

prob just mention that while thier diet is changing from breeders to thier own it might get a bit messy and smelly. :D

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dont leave food permanently down for them (i am guilty of doing this) i recently found out it can lead to dominance as the dog just expects the food to always be there, and if he sees you give him the food, (and make sure he does) then he will look up to you as the more of a pack leader and rely on you as you are the almighty food bringer.

hmmm, if they dig fill it with there poo, it can help them stop digging, or something hot ie pepper.

if its important put it away.

be prepared to have to buy ALOT of new things, clothes, couches, hoses, sprinkler systems just to name a few.

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If you're dealing with poms make sure you have a section that people understand

1) a baby pom is not a toy and is not for toddlers to carry around roughly

2) dont let pups climb up on furniture or JUMP DOWN by themselves (sounds simple I know but it still happens ... ugh)

3) cut the cats claws back before introducing puppy, give the cat somewhere to hide

set the ground rules now and stick to them. Dont start off with the dog in a basket, then in a crate, then on the bed, then no longer allowed on the bed etc.

Poms are easy to carry so take the dog EVERYWHERE in a little bag to expose it to noises, people, situations etc I know it sounds a little Paris Hilton but its so much better for disease prevention

Running around being aggressive is NOT cute. Chewing on you is NOT cute.

Choose a good food and stick to it, do not let the puppy dictate what it eats. Since Poms are small then multiple meals per day will be the standard for longer then large breeds

Start teaching your puppy that it is to be touched, groomed and teeth checked every day. Start with small sessions a day, praise the dog, make it fun to do and the dog will be well maintained all its life

The dog can use a litter box - use a shallow cat litter tray and PAPER based litter which wont cause problems if eaten. Wipe some pups urine on a tissie and put that in the llitter tray, then take the pup to that when required. I cant stand dogs that go on paper on the FLOOR no need.

The thing i tell all my clients is "Imagine you bought a 60kg Rottweiler ... would this behaviour still be exceptable?" and yes I own a bombproof rotty so I can say that :rofl: But truely what people allow littlies to get away with any big dog would get a darn good correction for.

I do love Poms, mum has one ... well a petshop one ... who's 11 and everyone thinks he's half his age!

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