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Ceasing Heartworm Prevention Over Winter?


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Does anyone from Southern VIC take a break in their heartworm prevention over the winter period? I have to take my 10 month old puppy off all chemicals for a few months. From everything i have read, it seems to be relatively safe to do as long as the temperature doesn't stay above 13 degrees for an entire 3 week period, day and night, which is highly unlikely around here for quite some time. I am planning on putting him on a homeopathic remedy for the next few months just to be sure. Any info appreciated.

Also.... does anyone know the heartworm prevelance in South East VIC? I can find Eastern, but nothing about Southern VIC.

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I got several mozzie bites last night in my workplaces unheated stable area (we are in SE Melb). Also, quite a high proportion of foxes in Melbourne are believed heartworm positive so I am personally not happy to take the risk. Having said that my dogs don't have any health problems giving me any dillemas. Good luck with your decisions.

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I personally wouldn't.

And in fact, even though Tasmania is considered to be heartworm free, I'm considering beginning heartworm treatments on my dogs for a couple of reasons. Firstly because I will more than likely start travelling to shows on the mainland again within the next 12 months and secondly because with the way our seasons are changing it seems quite possible that the mozzie may become more of a problem here in Tassie in future summers.

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Its not a question of whether or not mozzies bite during winter, but the heartworm larvae cannot survive if the temperatue drops below 13 or 14 degrees and the whole process needs to start again, sorry if i confused you.

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Its not a question of whether or not mozzies bite during winter, but the heartworm larvae cannot survive if the temperatue drops below 13 or 14 degrees and the whole process needs to start again, sorry if i confused you.

Sorry, are you saying if an infected dog is bitten that the microfilaria will not survive to infect another dog? Or that they will not migrate to the heart? Am I missing something here?

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"While the larvae are developing in the mosquito, development continues only when the temperature is above 64 degrees F. Further, the temperature MUST remain above 57 degrees Fahrenheit at all times, day and night during the entire mosquito cycle. If at any time during the development into the L3 stage, the temperature drops below 57 F, the development is aborted and must start over."

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Guest Tess32
I don't ever take my dogs off heartworm...although unlikely - all you need is one rogue mozzie.....I'm not game to miss more than 1 night a week.......

Do you mean the daily tabs? It's really dangerous to miss one day on the dailies and continue without testing..

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I personally wouldn't.

And in fact, even though Tasmania is considered to be heartworm free, I'm considering beginning heartworm treatments on my dogs for a couple of reasons. Firstly because I will more than likely start travelling to shows on the mainland again within the next 12 months and secondly because with the way our seasons are changing it seems quite possible that the mozzie may become more of a problem here in Tassie in future summers.

Mine are on Sentinel Spectrum - monthly - all year round for the same sorts of reasons. We go to the mainland at least twice a year. Another advantage of the Sentinel Spectrum is that it has the required dose of Praziquantal to satisfy the hydatids worming requirements for bringing the dogs back into Tasmania. I've had no problems with the dogs on this - been using it for a couple of years now.

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heartworm testing should only be about $20-$30 dollars. Vets should have a Simplify test which needs a drop of blood adn takes 5 minutes.

Yes it is in Melbourne ... the unfortunate thing is people travel and bring back infected dogs so assume it will be around.

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I've heard that foxes can carry it. We've been told that if we're going to take Zero into the nature sanctuary near us (lots of foxes in there!) we should have him totally vaccinated and flea and heartworm protected because the foxes carry most of the problems domestic dogs can.

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heartworm testing should only be about $20-$30 dollars. Vets should have a Simplify test which needs a drop of blood adn takes 5 minutes.

Yes it is in Melbourne ... the unfortunate thing is people travel and bring back infected dogs so assume it will be around.

Thanks Nekhbet, I will get in for an appt at the vets then for testing. :)

ETA: For the dogs, not me. :eek:

Edited by Cazablanca
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