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Ring Nerves!


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Went into our trial ring today for a practice. Poppy was going well until the figure of 8. I got all nervous because another person came into the ring and even ended up tripping over her at one stage :) . I was really bad when I trialled my last dog and didn't get much practice because she passed all her trials before I had to retire her due to injury.

Even test day at dog school makes me feel sick!!

Lucky Poppy is a fairly settled dog and doesn't totally loose the plot when I am being an idiot.

She did her other exercises nicely :D

So what to do about me? (be nice!). I get so freaked out I can't even walk properly. And this is just in a practice.


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My advice is to firstly get supreme confidence in your dogs level of understanding of each exercise, then, if you are doing what you are supposed to, the dog will either follow........or not.

If doggie is properly proofed, all you need to do is concentrate on listening on what the judge asks you to do, and follow. Don't be scared of failure, because it will eventually become inevitable, no matter how good you or your dog is.

I think nervous people become better with failure sometimes, because their expectations for the day get lower, thus relaxing them for success.

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