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Pup Not Pooping Today?


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Hey i know this may be the most simplest thing but im new to all this puppy stuff.. my pup hasnt pooped at all today, yesterday she had about 3 which was good and her last poop was last night but nothing at all today and its now been almost 24hrs since her last poop. shes 8 weeks and ive had her home for 3 days now.. could this be related? is there anything i can give her to make her go? shes not looking in a bad shape. still playful as ever and hasnt tried to go and strained if you know what i mean... should i be concerned about this?? sorry for the silly question!!

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Never a silly question!

Mine don't necessarily poo every day. Depends on what they've had to eat and drink, what brands you are feeding etc. So sorry, but not much help with that statement. Things to watch out for (that signify a possible problem) are a tight hard tummy, straining with no poo produced, small hard round poo's (like rabbit poo), or what appears to be colic. These all signify some difficulty, and I would seek more advice if pup not "produced" ater 48 hours.

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If she's only 8 weeks, she should be on several meals a day- which has to go somewhere!

Are you sure she hasn't cleaned it up all by herself :rolleyes: ??? When no one was watching?

Have you changed her diet to something different than she was being fed before you got her?

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thanks all for your replies.

she finally pooped! twice..

shes on chicken mince at the mo, just feeding what the breeder did. her belly wasnt hard at all... i think i was just paranoid... first time mother and all!!

but she is on 3 meals a day hence why i was worried cos where was it all going!! but all is fine now. thank you all again!!

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Are you sure she hasn't cleaned it up all by herself :cheer: ??? When no one was watching?

I'm pretty sure my pup has been eating her own poo occasionally. Does anyone know whether this is normal? I'd discourage it but I never catch her in the act!!!

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Good to hear.

Is the chicken mince made up of minced chicken carcusses? Is that all she is getting?

yeh i think so.

im going to start to include more into her diet as of 2moro. ive only had her home for 4 days and didnt want to upset her stomach. what kind of things should i include? ive got dry food ready which was from the breeder but also thought putting some finely chopped veggies in her food with some boiled rice or something?

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Congrats on the new puppy! What breed is your new pup?

Good to hear everything is back to 'normal'. I too have only had my pup for several days, and although I have had dogs before, it has been many many years since owning a puppy, and now that I am older and much more aware of all the health issues etc, I do worry about little things, but i guess it just comes with the territory of being a new mum/dad!!

What brand of dry food did the breeder give you?

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Hi Bellatrix, just start adding a little Advance at a time. Maybe start with about 1/5 bics and 4/5 normal chicken mince, then a bit more bics and less mince the next day. Build it up over about a week until she could be on all Advance with maybe 2-3 days a week having chicken mince as well or whatever combination you want to feed her. The Advance is a complete meal but I think it's nice to give them a bit of variation. :laugh:

Mine loves rice but I don't give it too often. Boiled chicken and rice is very good when they have an upset stomach though. I feed sardines once a week and sometimes add a little egg or yoghurt to the food. Avoid anything cooked with onions and don't feed grapes. Charlie has a raw chicken neck each day too.

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