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Help Getting Fur To Grow Back

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Hi guys,

I have a dog coming back to me which is a little worse for wear, i haven't seen her yet, she arrives tonight, i have seen however photos of her from a about a month back, she has been in a few fights (why she is coming back, and not her fault), but also she has been excaping her crate, so not only does she have fur off from the bite marks, but also the side of her muzzle due to her putting her nose under the crate door and pushing till she can get it open.

She is black, and so i am a little worried the fur IF it grows back will come back white?

can anyone help, first i guess with the regrowing of the hair, mostly on the muzzle area which is red and sore from constant rubbing, and then the fur that comes back on the bite marks, any way to get that to come back black, instead of white?

i can't wait to see her again, i am so glad she has came back to me.

OH please don't this wrong either, her owner loved her and looked after her, but dogs will be dogs and her more dominate bitch just would not get on with this one, and the housing of them all with the temperaments they have was not sutable so i told her to send her back.

mush easier on all of us!

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I had a Black Dane with lot's of wounds and scars.

The area on his neck which I put Vit E Bio Oil grew back fine, however the area on his muzzle I didn't put anything on grew back Grey.

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