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Water Dishes


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I currently use a ceramic type dish for my dog for her water, but it probably wont be big enough in summer time, or when we get our 2nd dog. Just wondering what kinds of things people use for water dishes for their dogs. I cant really find anything much bigger and I'm not very imaginative when it comes to stuff like this! Cheers.

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we have a large cement one for our dogs which arre gsd's.One always tries to squeeze herself in it after a bit of exercise

If theres any place around you that sell garden ornaments made out of cement they may have something suitable.Water stays cool and impossible to tip over

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I have big metal buckets that I clip onto the kennel runs, they hold 15 litres I think. I also have large 5 litre ( i think ) stainless bowls in the back tard along with a couple of filled clam shells.

If you are looking for something large and stylish, the Sebastian Studio bowls are gorgeous. I had one of the large one's in the house and accidently dropped it and broke it but it was good while it lasted.

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:rofl: for studio sebastian, his bowls are fantastic i have some of there bowls. I have a very large one for water in the kitchen, i always stock up at the Sydney Royal every year i got his card last year but lost it :rofl: . They dont have a website and i have tryed searching the web for them but cant find anything :o

I know they show Cav's maybe some of the Cav people might know them :love: i forget his name but he is such a nice guy. :rofl:

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Zero has an old laundry trough in the backyard (its like a horse trough lol) for his water. Then in the laundry (inside) he has a bucket full too.

Being a husky and them being prone to overheating, you can't be too careful. When he is hot or after walks, Zero puts his front paws in the trough to cool down. I've even come home to him lying in his water one summer day (on those days we let him into the garage where it is nice and cool (the coldest place in the house in summer!) during the day but he still goes and climbs into his water and then goes and lies down in the garage.

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We've got ice cream containers inside (the big 10L type), which Todja has been trained not to run away with and chew (it was a wet few weeks before he learnt though!), and we have a large 70L thick plastic trough outside. In summer he also has one of those plastic half clam shells full of water to drink from, play in, lay in, etc, but we're in an area without water restrictions.

A friend of mine uses one of those old, colourful square boxes, the ones that you always used to see in car boots. They always remind me of rubix cubes.

Edited by Andanin
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Have heard that Studio Sebastian are moving to Tasmania so may not be selling dog bowls anymore as the freight cost could be prohibitive. :love: I know they sell at Mosman markets but haven't been to the markets for a while so they may not still be there.

I have a contact so will ask when I next see her next, to find out some details. It won't be until early August though.

Their bowls are great and keep the water cool in summer. The colours are really great, with good graphics.


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