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Jogging With Stafford


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Does anyone know how to get your dog to jog with you, without breaking out into a gallop as soon as you start jogging? I would love to be able to run with Dolly, but as soon as I start, she starts sprinting, and it really hurts my shoulder to be correcting her and jogging at the same time. Any suggestions gratefully received. :rofl:

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If she will loose lead walk, she should also loose lead jog with some practice. Get the walk down pat first (without need of correction), and the rest should follow.

I'm sure I have seen stretchy leads that go around your waist that will save your shoulder failing that.

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I run with my Boxer who also when we started wanted to gallop, but with some patience and a lot of running I have managed to teach him to run at the pace that i am running. I did this by teaching him that HALT meant slow down which means i dont have to pull on the lead and rip my shoulder out of its socket. Everytime his pace picks up i say halt and he knows to slow down. I started training him just walking at first as you have more control and if he did not slow down i would stop, he soon got the hang of it.

Good luck, but it is well worth it as there is nothing like going for a run with your dog for mind and body for both of you.

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