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Where To Sleep My Puppy?


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We're having trouble with our 12 week old mini schnauzer absolutely hating the laundry in which she sleeps (smallish room, but warm, with all her toys, downstairs from where we sleep). She cries for about 15 minutes after being put to bed, but we ignore her completely and she eventually goes to sleep.

In the morning however, she's up at 7.00am on the dot and cries and barks NON STOP. There is literally no pause in this behaviour until eventually my other half and I must get up and go to work anyway so we let her out. She absolutely adores us and just can't seem leave our sides for the rest of the morning... This behaviour has been continuing (non stop) for the 4 weeks that we've had her. HELP!

Can anyone suggest what moves we make next? Mornings are horrible in our house!

Edited by raeviel
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  raeviel said:
We're having trouble with our 12 week old mini schnauzer absolutely hating the laundry in which she sleeps (smallish room, but warm, with all her toys, downstairs from where we sleep). She cries for about 15 minutes after being put to bed, but we ignore her completely and she eventually goes to sleep.

In the morning however, she's up at 7.00am on the dot and cries and barks NON STOP. There is literally no pause in this behaviour until eventually my other half and I must get up and go to work anyway so we let her out. She absolutely adores us and just can't seem leave our sides for the rest of the morning... This behaviour has been continuing (non stop) for the 4 weeks that we've had her. HELP!

Can anyone suggest what moves we make next? Mornings are horrible in our house!

7am - what a lovely doggy - when LOuie was in the laundry her would start barking at 5.30am for potty.

I have to say in my experience a 15 minute cry followed by a 7am wake up is pretty decent!

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I think she is doing amazingly well! :clap:

puppies can only 'hold on' for so long- good for her to alert you.

Now- when you do let her out- I guess you make a fuss?

DON"T ;)

just open the door- no 'good morning' or pat, nothing.JUst calm, businesslike approach. (this should be done when you put her to bed, too)

Put her outside, and leave her for 15 minutes or so. give her her breakfast, and a chewy, and leave her.

DON'T WEAKEN if she squeaks!! NO communication.

Then, unexpectedly, when she is quiet and not staring thru the door- call her and quietkly do your good morning greeting :clap:

It has helped with one of our pups- she is nowhere near as bouncy or noisy as she was :)

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Thanks so much for your feedback. Maybe we're not doing so badly after all. Any other tips?

I had assumed she wasn't crying to go to the toilet because she's not fully house trained and doesn't often exhibit that kind of behaviour from day to day (barking to get outside to pee etc.). You could be right though. Thankyou.

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7 in the morning your lucky! I have only recently got Mistral to sleep in till 9 and he is over four months old and still goes out for the toilet at 6 when my OH leaves for work. While Mist is crated he will cry if he needs the toilet, any other time he will just wander around looking lost and i know its time for the toilet. Be thankful shes letting you know! :clap:

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  raeviel said:
Thanks so much for your feedback. Maybe we're not doing so badly after all. Any other tips?

I had assumed she wasn't crying to go to the toilet because she's not fully house trained and doesn't often exhibit that kind of behaviour from day to day (barking to get outside to pee etc.). You could be right though. Thankyou.

She might be crying when she needs to go when she's in the laundry but not in the house because the laundry is her 'den'...and she's loath to toilet in her den. Same for crate/pen training - my pup would scream to get out of his pen to go to the toilet but would happily toilet on the carpet in the lounge with no warning :clap:

- I second some of the advice mentioned above.

I would take my pup out when he cried (at around 6am)...business like approach. Then straight back to bed (him and me!). I'd let him out when we got up around 7.30 am.

Edited by Luke W
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Hi Raeviel and Brodie!

Brodie is just adorable!! :clap:

I totally understand your problem with Brodie! We are the owners of a 16 week old Mini Schnauzer Aubrey. She is exactly the same in the mornings. She wakes like clockwork at 7am each morning and wants to play...this has happened everyday since we got her almost 6 weeks ago. ;)

She sleeps in our bedroom however in her little bed next to ours so we don't have a problem at night-time, if we turn of the light most of the time she will happily put herself into her bed and go to sleep.

I get up most nights around 3ish so I take her out to the toilet even though she is not asking to go. I know that she can hold on for approx 5.5 hours so when 7am rolls around she doesn't want the toilet she just wants to play. She will prop her paws up on the bed and scratch and whine a little until we get up and play with her. This is especially annoying on weekends so we are trying to train her to get up when we do. If we ignore her sometimes she will go back to sleep but this only last about 20 minutes - a couple of times on the weekend myself or my OH have gotten up and played with her for about an hour and then taken her back to bed and she has slept for another 1.5 hours.

I am a sucker for her cute little face looking up at me so often I will just get up on the weekends - I miss my sleep-ins though...

We are hoping it is maybe a puppy-faze :clap: It seems to be a mini schnauzer thing waking up at 7am! Or are all puppies like this?? We are new to this

If anyone else has any theories on how to get a puppy to sleep a bit longer in the mornings I would love to hear them too :)

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Ha, can I join this clan??? :clap:

Lola my MS is 11 weeks old and does the exact same thing. OH gets up at 6.30 and takes her to the toilet but getting her back to sleep for that 1 extra hour is hard work...especially with her 1 year old brother in the room too, it's one up all up and is a very big challenge! 7.30 am is the maximum sleep in we've had since we got her BUT she doesn't wee in the house, that's why she wakes us and she DOES sleep through the night, so you have to take the positives.

If it's any consolation they grow out of it...and they get over it alot quicker if you make firm rules and stick to them. For me it requires holding my pup on the bed and a low growl and a firm BED command until she stops trying to jump on her brother and wake him up! It takes 10 mins sometimes for her to go back to sleep but she's getting better.

Mazza (my 1yo) used to do it to, they are just excited to play with their humans each day...around 4 or 5 months though he used to take himself to the toilet and then come in and go back to sleep until we got up.

You should join us in the schnauzer subforum raviel :clap:

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That's fascinating. Is it possible that the early morning wake up is a breed-specific habit? My OH and I are big sleepers so that's a worry eh! Though I've found one of my favourite things to do is bring her up to our bed on Sunday mornings so she can sleep in with us. She rolls straight onto her back, legs spread and falls asleep. So cute!!

Have just discovered the schnauzer subforum. Thanks!

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Our GSD was us at 5.30am for the first 6 months or so, but then for the next few months she would cry until we got up and it drove me mental. She would bench surf, grabbing what she could to get our attention but now she is 13months she sleeps in until 8.30am...

They eventually learn to sleep in. Its hard now but will get better..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update: Brodie is still sleeping in the laundry and we get up every night at 4.00am to let her out for a pee.

Sometimes she holds on until morning to go the toilet (YAY!), however, every couple of nights she'll poo overnight after her 4am wakeup. She never alerts us that she wants to go out and she seems to have no problems toileting where she sleeps. We can't seem to fully enforce this rule that its not OK to poop inside.

We've varied the time we wake her up at night but can't seem to time it correctly so as to get her to poo outside every night. We're thinking it's simply time to get her to sleep outside (or would that be avoiding the issue?). I'm just so worried that she'll freeze in the Melbourne winter weather!!!


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Hi raeviel, are you sure that you can hear your pup during the night if he wants to go out to the toilet? I wonder because you said you're upstairs and Brodie is down in the laundry.

I have never woken my dog up to go out to the toilet but I'm wondering if maybe Brodie doesn't really need to toilet at that time but once he's been woken and put back to bed in the laundry, he starts to think about pooing since he's awake anyway and he's emptied his bladder.

Have you tried just leaving him alone all night unless he calls out/scratches?

Would you consider a crate beside your bed? Our routine has always been that Charlie stays in his crate until I open it after going in the bathroom. This is about 6.30am. On weekends or school holidays, I let him out of the crate about 7.00 - 8.00am. He doesn't usually want to toilet straightaway but enjoys coming up onto our bed for a snuggle until we get up.

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