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Penis Infection?


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hi everyone my chihuahua charlie i noticed this morning after playing with his chihuahua sister has a small amount of white dischagre which looks like a thick fluid on the tip of his penis. he is desexed so i dont think it is because he is excited. do you think it could be that he is just really happy or is it an infection? we have puppy preschool tonight at his vets for the female chi so i will ask the vet nurse as well cheers

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White in colour is normal discharge; anything greenish or yellow, foul smelling etc. is a problem. :clap:

thanks so does that just happen all the time now he is an adult? and its definetly not a sign that he may still be fertile is it? when i saw it that was my first thought that maybe they didnt get all his bits and now with a female puppy here who wont be able to get desexed until at least 5 months of age i dont want anything to happen. :clap:

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Neutered dogs do still get happy discharge, usually not as much though.

Keep an eye on him, if he seems uncomfortable or is licking constantly (all day rather than just when he gets excited) then it could be something to speak to the vets about. Though I'm sure the vet nurses will fill you in tonight. :clap:

Oh and if there are no nuts there are no sperm (save for a grave period of a few days right after desexing).

Edited by molasseslass
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Just flush the sheath (I can't recall the correct term... I think it starts with a 'p'... precipice or something??) with cooled boiled water a few times a day until it clears.


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Just flush the sheath (I can't recall the correct term... I think it starts with a 'p'... precipice or something??) with cooled boiled water a few times a day until it clears.



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