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My Boy Has A Tumer


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i noticed a lump on my dog about two weeks ago, it was the size of a small pea, i looked to see if it was posably a grass seed but their was no scab or any visable entry points, i was conserned and decided to watch it over a few weeks. today i had noticed it has gotten a little bigger (about a large pea size) and booked in to the vet. the vet did a nedle biopsey and it was most probably a tumer but unknown weather canserious. i have booked him in to have it removed and be desexed at the same time i was wondering if their is any thing i can give him in the mean time and any thing after the op to help prevent a reacurance.

i would love to know what it is however money is so tight at the moment i cant justerfy sending it of for teasts :confused: so i will never know if it is a consern of spreding or not. :champagne: i'm just relying on early detection and removel and any other things mentioned hear.

Edited by petmezz
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If you don't send it to pathology then you won't know if you're dealing with a benign condition or a malignancy so you won't have any idea how to proceed. It would be of no value to receive advice on this without knowing what the condition is.

My dog has a malignancy so I know what I'm dealing with and know how to proceed in her best interest. A benign condition is usually not connected with pain whereas cancer is a painful illness and effective pain medication is indicated as the disease progresses.

For yours and your dog's sake I hope the lump is benign.

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sorry to hear about your boy.

I agree with cavNrott - if you dont get it tested you wont know what it is or what to do.

It is very important to know what it is.

It must be hard if you are on a tight budget, is there any way you can go without something that isnt essential to help pay for it? Would be worth it in the long run.

good luck

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thanks rmc

when i say tight i mean tight, i live on 250 a week. this will change in a mounth or two as i have seasional problems and i prity much stop working as i'm going through it but once almost out i'm able to do things normaly.... it is just bad timing that i found it now.

I will be sending it of for tests upon remoovel especialy that i think i have found 2 more small lumps :D

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thanks rmc

when i say tight i mean tight, i live on 250 a week. this will change in a mounth or two as i have seasional problems and i prity much stop working as i'm going through it but once almost out i'm able to do things normaly.... it is just bad timing that i found it now.

I will be sending it of for tests upon remoovel especialy that i think i have found 2 more small lumps :cool:

oh no!! more lumps? not good :) sorry to hear that.

You are doing the right thing getting it tested at least then you will know what you're up against.

Here's hoping for some good news for you.

Let me know know how it goes

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he is booked in for the 26th, as this is the earliest i can sell things to pay for it. untill then i'm trying to keep things normal, calm and not change to much, except training as he loves this........... he is the dog i've trained for my complex skills trick for NDTF to, so so so many things going through my head at the moment, it is so frustrating all i want to do is cuddle him all the time.

i just keep telling myself he appears healthy, he is happy, and dosn't appear to be in great pain. their is nothing i can do right now, it's just the wating and the unknown.

thank you all for the well wishes

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Hi petmezz. I'm sorry to hear that you've found any lumps, let alone more than one.

Getting the lumps tested is the right thing to do, and costs bugger-all relative to getting them cut out. Definitely do it, even if you have to pay the vet in fits and spurts -- if your current vet won't do it, find someone who will!

My dog Jack had a pea-sized lump removed in October last year, and tests came back showing that it was a grade III mast-cell tumour. Thankfully, they got it all. We haven't found any more lumps on him, touch wood, and he's a happy healthy 8yo dog.

I hope the news is good for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

:confused: :rolleyes:

just got the pathology results back it it is good news :laugh: it has clean margins YAY and the prognoses on the pathology report states removal if this tumour should have a very good out come. :( however it was malignant and called a Glomus Tumour with other "interesting cells" but nothing to draw conclushion on. it had started growing it's own blood suply and needless to say i'm bloody happy it is out and all i have to do is keep a close eye on him in the future.......something i always do with my dogs.

thank you all for your support, it is far better knowing what it was and that it is all gorn then sitting hear wondering.

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