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Dogs Eat Stone


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Hi all,

I just discovered recently that my dogs eat stones... I keep trying to stop them but they really have interest with stones... It never happens before and It develops until the grass at the backyard is cut

I need your suggestion..

What would make the dog eats stone?? is that because of the food I have given is not enough some minerals or anything??

or It is just because Bad habbit??

I am afraid stones may make them sick, so what I have to do to stop them eat the stones???

Thank you...

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I also have an avid stone eater. I would come home after work and pick him up to cuddle him and I could actually hear the stones clicking together in his stomach!! He would go to the toilet and it would be filled with stones... and these were not small stones!

mopmop - going by your id I would say you have a Pug? (plus I think I have seen you in the Pug thread??) Pugs are notorious for eating the most bizarre things.

The only way to stop it is to get rid of the stones. We blocked off the side path of our house where our stones were and now my Pug can not eat them.

As to why they eat them?.... They just do. :laugh:

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Yeap.. I do have pugs.. and being around at pug thread...

as it says in the thread.. my Pug is little bit got tummy upset...

The problem is not just my Pug who eat stones.. my other breed dog eats it as well...

My pug hasn't got a change to Swallow the stones but I know she tries to eat it...

I am trying to keep on my eye on each one of them and figure out how to forbid to access the stones...

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Mistral loves stones and pretty much anything else he can put in his mouth that could hurt him :D

We ended up cleaning out everything from our yard that he could put in his mouth, it took forever but now he cant swallow stones, while he is on a walk I have to keep a very close eye on him as he will try to pick up everything, we have taught him leave it and drop it which has taken some time but has finally started working, its been a life saver!

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