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Orijien Food


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Hi Harold,

Please don't feel you can't ask questions... if you have a good relationship with a store owner perhaps he would show you what the wholesalers charge him so that you could better understand what the retailer has to charge.

If your Wei has issues then I do want to encourage you to look to diet as a way to optimise his/her immune system. We've seen a great improvement in the health of our old Saint who has bone cancer. No, the cancer isn't going away, but she is happier and looks fantastic since moving to Orijen and more recently trialling her on Artemis.

Let's face it, nobody goes into business to lose money. But nor does everyone running a store milk the customer. After all, they are consumers as well. Perhaps I am living in a dream world lol, but then again, I happen to believe I work for one of the fairest men in business today.


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harold - the other thing which has come out of the posts here is that most people feeding Orijien are actually feeding less now - I dropped from 9-10 cups to around 7-8 cups a day. I am going to drop it back to 6-7 cups over the next couple of weeks. Even with dropping the amount feed - Angs has put on weight.

This makes it more cost effective than the EP - I was going through a 13.6kg bag in less than 3 weeks.

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Harald, There is very little mark up in pet food. A product like Orijen has no more margin than say a bag of Supercoat would percentage wise. Buy supercoat you get a cheap product at a cheap price. Buy Origen get a quality product and pay more accordingly. Don't forget products like Orijen are being imported which adds to the wholeslae cost. If a bag of Supercoat wholesales $30 and retails $40 but a bag of Orijen wholesales $95 and retails $110 you can see that it is simple economics a retailer just can't retail Orijen at anything less.

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Well, even though this thread was 14 pages long, I've read through the whole of it. By the sounds of things, it sounds like a good food. Our 11 week old pup has only had 1 solid stool in the 3 weeks we've had him. He is fed 2 x chicken wings in the morning (now with the meat cut off), 1 Tspn of pet mince (lamb) mixed in with his kibble - Advance. Because he's been consistenly having sloppy poos, we've tried not giving him the pet mince in the morning (and giving him 2 x chicken wings).

Unfortunately, we've got quite a bit of food left over (as it was recommended he be fed that through his breeder), so I'm hesitant to start him on something new, purely for cost reasons. (Although if I could do a swap I would. :clap:)

You know it's not a good thing, when each time he poos the other partner gives a report on it...well, it wasn't so bad this time, but it was still soft... or how was his poo? :cooldance:

Before I change his kibble to something else, we will do trial and error. Mince, no mince, chicken wings with meat, chicken wings with no meat, no treats, treats...etc.

ETA: by the time we get the chance to trial Orijen and we discover that his stools are perfect - I won't be fussed on the price...it will just be a relief to have no more sloppy poos!

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Hi - poo description becomes normal conversation!!

I would suggest going to the vet first of all for a check up and make sure puppy came with nothing from the breeder's place/ the litter.

Super-premiums can usually be taken back and refunded by the pet store on the grounds it was not palatable. I have done this with a couple of bags in the past.

My first suggestion would be to cut out the lamb mince. Lamb can be quite rich - I know I cannot give it to Angs. Personally I always stayed away from pet quality mince and fed human grade.

If pups has the runs, try a bland diet for a few days - cook rice, chicken and pumpkin and then gradually reintroduce the other foods.

Ahh - treats (just re-read your post) - what treats are you giving and how often? If it is for training try using BBQ chicken - tasty but bland!

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Well, I spoke with the husband this morning about 'last night's research' and he said - quick order it! He was unperturbed about the fact we have food left over. He's happy to throw it out (does anyone want some free puppy Advance food? :clap:) He's keen to have Henschke have solid stools and to stop scratching.

With regards to his stools, they are not always sloppy, they are more often than not 'soft'. I'll be ordering a pack of the Orijien food today and see how he goes on that. If he's happy to eat the dry stuff on its own, we'll stop with the mince altogether and just give him chicken wings. (However, point taken regarding the richness of the pet mince - perhaps we'll try human grade mince.)

Also, he has already been to the vets and was given a clean bill of health.

The treats I give are the pure naturals dried chicken or a bit of liver. Not much, only when I've brushed him or cleaned his ears.

Last question. Do I need to give him 70/30 Advance and Orijien and then 50/50 split? Or can I swap over straight away without any of his old food?

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Pooch I would transition over a few days given his tendancy to get an upset stomach. In saying that I changed Angs over without a transition and no side effects!

I found too many liver treats also set Angs off as liver is also rich.

soft is exactly what we were getting.

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Haven't read all the recentt posts but Harold I just want to let you know that my GR skin and coat have significantly improved since I started him on Orijen and a omega oil blend called Mega Oil. Both are not cheap but to see him happier, less and less itchy and no hot spots for over 5 mths now I am so increidbly stoked and don't care that I haven't bought myself clothes in ages :clap:

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Harold, I wasn't having a go at you asking questions, I understand people have to be new to forums at some point. But you also need to understand in these kinds of thread mysterious "new" posters turn up with negative statements about a food (that perhaps they do not stock) and then disappear never to be heard from again.

I am from "the world is a happy place" camp who would like to believe that there is no reason for a retailer to target a particular brand of dog food and hike the profit margin up greater than the other brands. I don't buy my Orijen from a "store" as such anyway, and find the similar pricing structure reported from different sources in this thread evidence that no one is "out to get us" with Orijen as such. I could be ridiculously incorrect, but if I am I don't want to know anyway, because it won't stop me buying it - the results are too good :clap:

As others have said you have to take into account consumption, not just the price per bag. I go through my bags of orijen much slower than other bags of food, and there is less wastage, because every last drop of it is eaten. Have you chatted to your connection yet regarding the price? I would be interested to know what he can do for you for bulk buys, and how it balances out with other brands...then I guess you'll know once and for all anyway. I think for the majority of people in this thread, the price isnt a huge issue, yes its expensive, but everyone was trying it for some greater good of their pets anyway. If they were satisfied with their foods they were using previously they probably wouldnt bother switching.

Poochmad: I really hope Orijen sorts out the issues you're having. It did with my boy, as an aside, he wasn't itchy but I have heard several people lately comment on Advance making their dogs scratch like mad, so you don't necessarily need Orijen to fix the scratching, any other good kibble should stop it. I wonder what is in it that has that effect? I've never tried it so can't comment.

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Poochmad: I really hope Orijen sorts out the issues you're having. It did with my boy, as an aside, he wasn't itchy but I have heard several people lately comment on Advance making their dogs scratch like mad, so you don't necessarily need Orijen to fix the scratching, any other good kibble should stop it. I wonder what is in it that has that effect? I've never tried it so can't comment.

My main reason to swap over is due to his stools. They are consistently soft. His constant scratching is a concern as well...and if the food stops him scratching - yay! If not, we'll have to delve deeper.

However, Orijien sounds very good; I'm quite willing to give it a try, regardless of the cost.

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We've bought a bag of the puppy kibble...so far so good. His stools are still soft, but that may be because we are still mixing it with the old...one good thing is that I haven't yet had to mix the kibble with mince. He seems quite happy to eat it without. :laugh:

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We are on our second bag. Our ever fussy GSD scolfs her food down now which is amazing because we have tried just about every premium food on the market and she normally picks the kibble up and spits it out. I think it is well priced also.

We used to feed Advance (which was good) but we can no longer get it for free so I figure if im paying for dog food now, I want to pay for the best available.

Will slowly be changing the other dogs over as they keep trying to steal it off the GSD :laugh:

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Well, he's been on Orijien for 5 days now and at long last almost every stool being normal. One thing I have noticed is that he's pooing less...but boy are they big! :love:

They're a lot less smelly and he's almost stopped scratching.

So all good. :love:

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Well, he's been on Orijien for 5 days now and at long last almost every stool being normal. One thing I have noticed is that he's pooing less...but boy are they big! :love:

They're a lot less smelly and he's almost stopped scratching.

So all good. :love:

Fantastic news poochmad! Maybe add sardines every week too and reduce the amount of kibble that night for assisting further with the itching (great source of omega 3!)

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Well I have just brought my second bag and Rossi has been on the Orijen for about 5 weeks now and he is doing amazingly well on it :love: His coat is like a oil slick :) Keesha has been on it for about 2 weeks and is doing really well as well and also I have noticed that she is not constantly hungry on the Orijen like she was on the EP, whether it is the Orijen or not I don't know.

I tried Bailey on it for a few days but he was vomiting e.t.c on it so I put him back on to his EP, the EP seems to really suit him so he can stay on that.

Oh and I have just ordered it for the cats, seeing they kept pinching the dogs Orijen all the time so I will see how they go on it :love:

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