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Puppy Pees On Mat But Poos Everywhere


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I got my 7 week golden puppy 5 days ago. I trained her a bit and now she almost learned to pee on the pad, but never poos on that. Always poo on my timber floor from here to there. What can I do to let her relieve bowel at the right place?

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I got my 7 week golden puppy 5 days ago. I trained her a bit and now she almost learned to pee on the pad, but never poos on that. Always poo on my timber floor from here to there. What can I do to let her relieve bowel at the right place?

How old was she when you got her? 6 weeks and 2 days? :scold: If so, or even if she was 7 weeks at the time of purchase, she was far too young to leave Mum. Pups should be with their dam and littermates until AT LEAST 8 weeks, sometimes longer.

The best way to toilet train is to watch her like a hawk! When she shows signs of needing to go (ie. circling, sniffing the ground) then take her immediately outside to the place you want her to do her business. Take her to the same spot every single time and she will get the hang of it. Once she goes there, lots of praise and even a little treat. If she has an accident in the house, it is not her fault it is yours for not watching her closely enough, so don't ever scold her or yell or smack or anything, as she won't understand what she's being reprimanded for. At such a young age, she will need to go very often. Take her outside after eating, after drinking, after playing, when she wakes up, and very very very often in between these times. When I have a baby puppy in the house I ususally take it out every hour to two hours.

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I got my 7 week golden puppy 5 days ago. I trained her a bit and now she almost learned to pee on the pad, but never poos on that. Always poo on my timber floor from here to there. What can I do to let her relieve bowel at the right place?

7 weeks of age is far too young to be expecting anything. It's pretty poor form that the breeder of this dog let you take it at 6 weeks of age. Puppies need to stay with their Mums and litter mates up until 8 weeks to finish off their bite inhabition and toilet training (learn to toilet away from their beds and eating areas).

You'll need to watch your puppy like a hawk, don't allow her free access to the whole house. As soon as puppy wakes, finishes playing, after eating and every hour, take puppy to the matt and use your toileting command and then gentle calm praise when puppy is doing the right thing and then big praise when puppy has finished remembering to use your toileting word in there i.e. Good Toilet!

Puppy may not be reliably toilet trained until it's 4-5 months old, so don't expect too much, sometimes you think they understand and then they go and prove you wrong, so don't assume they 100% understand when you've had a good run, continue the training.

In addition, no repremanding puppy when she has an accident you didn't see her do, jsut clean it up with a special pet accident spray that removes the scent.

If you catch puppy toileting in the wrong area, you can give a firm NO and take puppy to the area they are meant to toilet and stay with them until they toilet. Be careful here though, be too firm and you'll scare the dog and it won't want to toilet in front of you.

Edited by sas
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At 7 weeks of age your puppy is a tiny baby and has little control over her bowel functions, when she wants to go it just happens, they really aren't capable of holding on at that age. As you have a GR who will eventually need to toilet outside I would ditch the puppy pads and start teaching your dog to go outside from day one. IMO using puppy pads and newspaper can actually hinder toilet training and are a complete waste of time with a large breed.

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Puppy pads encourage her to pee inside, you don't want that! Take her outside at regular intervals and praise her when she does it right. She's still a bit young to get it right every time though.

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I got my 7 week golden puppy 5 days ago. I trained her a bit and now she almost learned to pee on the pad, but never poos on that. Always poo on my timber floor from here to there. What can I do to let her relieve bowel at the right place?

7 weeks is far to young for her to have left her mum and littler mates but I guess it's done now.

7 weeks is also far to young to expect to be toilet trained and to have control over her bowels.

Puppy pads make pups think they can go to the toilet inside. They may be ok for overnight but during the day I suggest taking her outside frequently. After she has eaten, after she has worken up, after she hadhad a play, at least every hour and telling her to 'go to the toilet, go to the toilet'. When she does praise her and give her a treat.

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Yes, I am realizing I've made so many mistakes.

The puppy was 7 weeks old when I brought her home. Nobody told me she was too young to leave her mum :laugh:

I should have done more research before that.

Now she is 2 days to be 8 weeks old.

Yes, I did punish her when she relieved in the wrong place. Now she won't relieve in front of me. How regreted I am now. How stupid I was.

Now I can only have my wife train her with all positive reinforcement.

Hope she can forget all the bad experience with me as time goes by.

Edited by kylenix
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Yes, I am realizing I've made so many mistakes.

The puppy was 7 weeks old when I brought her home. Nobody told me she was too young to leave her mum :laugh:

I should have done more research before that.

Now she is 2 days to be 8 weeks old.

Yes, I did punish her when she relieved in the wrong place. Now she won't relieve in front of me. How regreted I am now. How stupid I was.

Now I can only have my wife train her with all positive reinforcement.

Hope she can forget all the bad experience with me as time goes by.

You could try and rectify her not wanting to toileting infront of her by taking her outside to toilet when you know she'll really have to and lavish her with praise when she does.

You're not stupid, don't be hard on yourself, DOL is a great place to learn.

Try and get involved with your puppy again with the positive training, I'm sure you'll get there in time.

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