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Red,sore Pads


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Picked up the dogs from kennels this afternoon after 4 nights and all seemed fine.Did't notice till when i went to feed them that one of the shpeherds was limping.Thought maybe she's pulled something when she raced upstairs so put her in the crate inside.After a while noticed she was licking her feet so had alook and the inside part of the pads are really red and look a bit swollen.Not sure if its caused from her pacing or something on the concrete at kennels or maybe she was stressed at the kennels and started licking them or possible a change in diet while at the kennels.

Is there anything i could try on them before taking her to the vet?


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Are the paws "hot" to touch? If so, that may indicate some sort of infection.

They could be cut, or could have a splinter in them. Will she let you go in between her toes with a bit of silky material? If there is a splinter or such, it can sometimes be found as it snags on the material.

Of course, if the pads are very rough - it'll snag on every part of them.

Pawpaw ointment is magnificent stuff. Lucas brand in a red tube.

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thanks for the replies.Last night i ended up putting some curash powder on them as they were wet from her licking them.Its all 4 feet and i'm pretty sure there's no cuts or anything,just the inside section of the pads are red and looked slightly swollen

.Today she seems a bit better with them and is walking a lot better on them.I did bath her in Malaseb today and they're not as red so I'm guessing it may have had something to do with what they have used at the kennels seeing it's on all feet.

I'm hoping it will be a lot better tomorrow and we can avoid a trip to the vets

thanks again

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