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Hi all,

My 7mth ridge has started to bark at anything and everything. The bush moves and he barks, theres a bug on the ground and he barks. Im starting to get worried that hes nuisance barking and that if i dont put a stop to it soon im going to have issues with him barking for ever more. Does anyone have any advice on how to manage and stop him from barking soo much??

Thank you!

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Hi all,

My 7mth ridge has started to bark at anything and everything. The bush moves and he barks, theres a bug on the ground and he barks. Im starting to get worried that hes nuisance barking and that if i dont put a stop to it soon im going to have issues with him barking for ever more. Does anyone have any advice on how to manage and stop him from barking soo much??

Thank you!

I have a foster Tully who is a ridgie and is almsot the same age. She barks too! I think she barks cos shes over stimulated outside with all the dogs. Everytime one of them (theres 6 other adult dogs and 3 puppies here) starts playign she barks her head off. I suspect shes not used to living in a multi dog household. I have resorted to crating her while Im at work and then playing and exercising her before and after. I have very intolerant neighbours and cant afford to have her barking. She goes on trial this weekend but her new family commented they hope she isnt a barker. I've told them she barks here but in a different environment she may be a lot calmer. Ive also found that in the evening when all the dogs are in crates and they are let out one at a time for a cuddle on the lounge with me shes calm and quiet and usually goes to sleep.

Fingers crossed for me (and also for you) that its jsut a 'phase' and wont last long. Ive met adult ridgies and they dont appear to bark excessively. Is there some noise outsode thats keeping your boy in hyper mode? For her its the other dogs playing. Can you keep him inside and allow him access to the yard via a doggy door? If Tully's new home doesnt work out and she is returned I think I will have to look at putting her in a yard on her own where she cannot see the other dogs and there is much less stimulation. Having Tully in a yard on her own also means I can use kongs, and other mental stimulation toys to keep her occupied and wear her little mind out! Theres one called 'Home Alone' that would prolly be good for a ridgie. I also have treat balls they have to roll around to get the food to drop out of, and I would bury treat filled kongs in a sandpit for her.

Will also have to start exercising her a LOT more cos a tired dog is a good dog :wave: How much exercise does your boy get? Ridgies need a LOT of exercise im told. Tully has only been here a few weeks and has been desexed and I am supposed to 'keep her quiet' post desexing so a lot of exercise hasnt been an option. My bet is that your boy is not getting enough exercise and is barking cos hes bored. Doing obedience with him on lead will also wear him out and give him plenty of mental stimulation. I feel your pain tho cos Tully is a handfull!

edited for spelling

Edited by indigirl
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Thanks indigirl,

Hes not getting as much exercise as i would like to give him, I live in the country and with close to zero temps in the morning and me being sick I haven't been taking him out as much.

My neighbours come and go a ot, so when they shut the car/front door he barks. I do want him to be a guard dog, but not when theres nothing to be scared of. He is also going through a fear phase, hence the bug is scary so i need to bark at it. I tired putting news paper on the front window as i have no curtains but he ripped the news paper off so he could see out side.

I have treat balls and kongs, but hes not a big fan of them (hes actually scared of the ball).

I do hope its phase, i guess time will tell!

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Have you tried teaching his to bark on command and then to be quiet on command?

My samoyed is a brilliant barker, I swear that dog loves the sound of his own voice, so we tried teaching speak and then quiet, works a treat.

He still will bark if someone has pulled up in the driveway or knocks on the door or if the cats ar fighting (which we will allow as we do want him to let us know if there is something going on we should know about) but now everytime he goes on for more then half a minuet we tell him to be quiet and call him away from whatever is stimulating him. Works really well for us.

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Im no expert but this is my experience with barking...and have had some great advice from a great trainer.

Sounds like someones puppy has found their voice!

They bark for 2 reasons, alert or attention... If its alert barking theyre trying to tell or warn you of something, attention they want something ot want you to pay attention..

Our dog found her voice and we kept telling her to be quiet when she barked heaps outdoors. The more we told her off the more she did it as she was getting attention.. till we worked out what bark she was making..

When she barks for attention we ignore her and she has learned it wont work so she has stopped. When she alert barks she usually has her hackles up, noise from neighbours yard, cat, possum, although Its her job to protect if she doesnt calm down after I reassure her then I will bring her inside or tell her 'enough'

She has stopped her nuisance barking and has calmed down heaps..The more of a leader you are the less your dog will feel he has to protect you and bark to protect/alert you....

Edited by charli73
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Your puppy could be going through a fear period which makes them more jumpy, some are more effected than others during this time.

There is a bark collar called a Jet Air available (Delivers a quick discharge of cold compressed air), although I don't think it's advisable to use dicipline for barking from fear.

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Your puppy could be going through a fear period which makes them more jumpy, some are more effected than others during this time.

There is a bark collar called a Jet Air available (Delivers a quick discharge of cold compressed air), although I don't think it's advisable to use dicipline for barking from fear.

I think he is going through a fear phase, so I'm trying really hard to ensure hes not validated in his barking. And also trying to give him more attention when he isnt barking. I think I've noticed a slight reducing in his barking but i could be hearing things :S haha

Thanks for all the advice.

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