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Herding Warning

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Last saturday I got together with Clover, Flip and Sparty and our 6 border collies and did a herding workshop run by David and Jeff from 4 paws K9 training. It was totally awesome!!! :lollipop: :nahnah: David was kind enough to run the workshop with just our dogs which was great since they all get along together and it ment we got plenty of time with the sheepies.

My rescue border Belle astounded me with how quick she picked it up. I'm so very very proud of her. She can be such a ditz at home but once she was in with the sheep she calmed down and her natural instincts kicked it. It was her first time on sheep and she still has a long way to go but she's only young. I'm very interested in the herding though so hopefully i can fit herding in around flyball and maybe one day i can trial her.

A massive thanks to David, the workshop was fun and informative and we learnt alot. Although i'm not sure how complimentry it was to be the "bitch" for the over and back practise, even if i am apparenly a "bitch worth breeding from" :shhh::eat: Very relaxed atmosphere and easy people to talk to.

Now the problem..... I wanna go again......NOW!!! Hmmmm where can i get some sheepies for practise.......Here sheepie sheepie. Definatly addictive, nothing better than watching your dog do exactly what it was bred for and doing it well.

Now to go beg clover for some piccies.... her photograhy is ever so good.....suck, suck, suck :worship:

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Now the problem..... I wanna go again......NOW!!! Hmmmm where can i get some sheepies for practise.......Here sheepie sheepie. Definatly addictive, nothing better than watching your dog do exactly what it was bred for and doing it well.

Now to go beg clover for some piccies.... her photograhy is ever so good.....suck, suck, suck :thumbsup:

I know exactly how you feel. I have also done a few workshops with David and Jeff. It was fun, the lessons were great, Gambit had fun and I couldn't get the hang of that rotten rake.

I was so good when Dave was the sheep and I was the handler, I could cope with that but Gambit moved too quickly for me to figure out what I was supposed to do.

Gambit passed his Herding Test but we haven't been able to get into serious herding practice.

As you said, It is so good to see a dog doing what it was bred for.


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I think someone ought to start up a herders anonymous for us serious addicts.

You know it is bad when your social and working life isn't allowed to interfere with sheep access time.

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Guest Clover

It was definitely a very good day, The dogs and humans had a great time. Although we got home and the first thing Tinny did after having a drink was go grab a ball and drop it at my feet, the dog is mad i tell you :o.

Elvis absolutly shocked me with how well he did, amazing. My little boy has finally grown a brain.

I am so proud of our 'crazy Flyball' & 'in training for Flyball' dogs.


Miss Tinny!! if she was any calmer she would have been nearly asleep.



Just have to work on the boys distance, he tends to keep close to the sheep which makes it impossible to see him at times :thumbsup:.




Belle again, for a young dog she did realy well.


Bodie boy!!


And baby Romi, with 'uncle Elvis' ears :(.

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See i knew if we begged Clover would come good with the photos :eek::)

Gamby i know what you mean about the rake!!! Damn thing is so hard to get the hang of, David makes it all look so easy and Jeff's dog Rosie makes the whole herding thing look like a positve breeze. I aspire to have a dog that works that well.

Janba, I think i'm gonna turn into a hard core herding addict. Who knows it might even *GASP* take over my flyballing. Although maybe only once Bear retires. All us herding addicts need to buy some sheepies so we can practise all the time. AHHHH bliss :rofl:

Maybe the herding switched Belle's little brain on because she even managed her first ever full flyball run a couple of days later. Although i must admit it may possibly be Flip's persistance with her too.

Clover El and Tinny were amazing. Elvis made it all look so easy and Tinny was so totally laid back she looked like she was moving in slow motion. You should be very proud of them both.

BTW i love that picture of Romi, gorgeous little face.

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:eek: yeah it was an awesome day, shame there was no pics of flite as you know he got a little carried away, zooming all over the place, he had fun though. I think he needs a little self control :)

I got dvd of it so im going to get it all together and ill send you a copy asap and we will arrange another time to go again.

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:eek: yeah it was an awesome day, shame there was no pics of flite as you know he got a little carried away, zooming all over the place, he had fun though. I think he needs a little self control :rofl:

I got dvd of it so im going to get it all together and ill send you a copy asap and we will arrange another time to go again.

Flite tackled herding the same way he does flyball, hard, fast and with great enthusiam. :) David said he had some good moves and by the end of the day he was moving with alot more control. He is only young after all and we all know boys mature much slower than girls :)

I have too done a workshop with 4 paws. It is just a pitty they don't do training too. I do my herding training with the Koolie club in Elmore.

My dogs love it too

Yeah i'd really like to get into training. Where is Elmore? I don't think i have heard of it. What is there training like? Is it open to anyone or only koolies? And the price if you dont mind me asking?

Does anyone know of anywhere that does herding training over the south east side of town? I'm in the frankston area. David is great but i wondered if there was anywhere i could practise my belles found skills on this side of town

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i forgot about you doing the filming, thanks for that. elvis is a natural, flyball and herding and anything else he puts his mind too.That is an awesom pic of romi, you always take good photos. its a shame where going to albury cos it would have been a good time to go herding again. belle tinny body all rock :rolleyes:

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Guest Clover

Indi dog well done on your (well Indi's) PT :rolleyes:. Were the photos taken at KCC?

;) I got head butted by a sheep with horns on the weekend, the bruise is just starting to go now.


The elusive Flite and 'sister' Romi. I was getting dizzy filming flite going 'round & 'round & around some more.


& Miss Belle again.

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sweet as clover, he had to be tethered to a tree, but i have been working on control with him in the park

it would probably slow him down at flyball but herding is so much fun let alone skillful. i got that dvd ready

its alot of footage but if you want the lot it will take two dvd's, great photos,

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I did the same workshop at Diggers Rest and preferred it over the guy at Port Welshpool. Warragul obedience club do herding every Sunday.

This is Tia

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJePEGnqMe4 at Diggers Rest, she worked the sheep with Rosie.

Belle had a go in the paddock but it overwhelmed her a little bit. Elvis rocked out in the paddock. I watched some of the herding nationals today and seriously Clover you HAVE to trail with him. He'll kick arse!!!

I think i'll have to check out the southern herding. Does anyone on here do it? I wanna know if the trainers are any good. How far is warrigal from frankston? I work alot of sundays so it's hard even getting to flyball at 1 but depending on distance maybe i can do both some sundays. Herding with belle n flyball with bear. Dog sport addict i think.

After watching some of the herding today i'm sure flitey will settle down and work. There were dogs out there today who were easily as "keen" as him.

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Guest Clover

:love: There is hope for Flite, he will get there.

I was looking on the Victoria Working Sheepdog a couple of days ago and missed a trial at Cressy which is pretty close to us, 2 or 3 days of trials and i missed it :D.

Ok saturday the 12th of July there is a herding test and trials on at KCC park. I am pretty sure i am working though, plus entries/ membership wont get there in time.

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