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I had an aged bitch with a tumour kind of the size of a golf ball but slightly elongated. We sent off a sample to the lab and it was diagnosed as an haemangiosarcoma, but could not get a malignancy on it. As she was quite aged and had other problems as well as the fact that in her life she had had 8 abdominal surgeries including 3 for GDV I decided not to do surgery. She died nearly 2 years later with tumour still intact from dilated cardiomyopathy at the age of almost 12 years. I understand that this is very unusual and I was very lucky, big hugs to all that have lost dogs to this awful disease, I have been in tears reading your experiences and realise just how lucky I was. Goodluck

Hi Rommi

this is good - all the different experiences - it helps anyone reading this

honestly??? if i got one year ... I would be over the moon.. I'd take 6 months and walk over hot coals... gladly...

3 months and I got the chance to say goodbye - more than some have had.

I love my little girl

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You'd be amazed at how well you can say goodbye in a short time if you have to... my Shadow knew she was truly loved by everyone she came into contact with for her last weeks - including all of our vet staff. She was actually in hospital for her last 6 days being fed on a drip due to the tumor not allowing her to eat properly. We were allowed to visit with her for a few hours each day also.

In the end, if you can't have the time you want to have with your beloved baby, you make sure that the time you do have is of the highest quality you can offer - and when the time comes to do the right thing for them, you know that too...

I'm still sending good vibes that you have caught your baby's cancer early enough for her to live a long and happy life...


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Yes it is, I recently lost my one in a million dobie girl to a different disease, but had 4 weeks- with lots of medication- which was good as I needed that time to get my head around it all(I was 6 weeks off having my second baby so was emotional anyway) It wasn't a long time but we made the most of the little time we had and we were all ready when the time came.

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My boy Jeep was diagnosed with this a few months ago. The lump was on his sheath and I had it removed, but I wanted to make sure that this lump was a primary and not a secondary, so I had his chest x-rayd to see if there was anything on his heart and also had an ultrasound done to check his spleen area. These came back clear and it looks as though I had caught it early.

They can metastisize (reoccur) so I do have to keep an eye on him.

What Luciens Mum posted pretty much sums it up.

Dont panic too much yet (I know its hard), but get in and get the x-rays and ultrasounds done and go from there. Once you know either way you can work out what you want to do.

Good luck and hopefully they caught it early.



this is a good story... Jeep is still with you :hug:

Is he is usual self now, does he seem healthy and happy?

This is what I want for my girl, I want quality.

I have had xrays done - nothing showing up

good luck with Jeep hope he continues to do well

Yes jeep is still with me and he is still his usual self, healthy and happy as well...........which is good and bad :D no its never bad.

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