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Northern Beaches (sydney) Puppy Pre-school


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Hi All,

I'm only new and imagine that these threads come up all the time - I have searched but not found what i'm looking for. So, if I have missed it - your direction to the right place would be appreciated.

I'm looking for puppy pre-school recommendations around Sydney's Northern Beaches. I've searched the net for a few and have a few options to choose from - but your experiences mean more than promotional material does.

I'll be getting a male Lab in about 6 weeks - it's only just been born really - but I'm trying to get things ready for when he arrives.

I used to visit the Vet and Pittwater Animal Hospital with my last dog a number of years ago and will more than likely go back for Vet visits there. They do run a preschool - so I guess any comments on this one would be much appreciated.

Any other input you may have would also be appreciated.

I was hoping for something that ran for 5 to 6 weeks rather than 4 - but 4 weeks seems to be the standard around here really.

Thanks and sorry to raise an issue that has more than likely been raised a million times before!

p.s. I don't know how this ended up in the grooming section - nor do I know how to move it! (SORRY!)

Edited by shlincoln
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Hi there :laugh:

In all honesty I would just go to the one at your vet. IMO puppy pre school is just about playing nicely and for owners to learn about worming, vaxing etc. Most pups which have been to pre school at their vets then love going to their vets. It's hard with pre schools as one person will recommend and two disagree :cheer: I have found a similar problem recently.

Might be an idea though to check the qualifications of the person running the pre school, alot of them are Delta qualified which would be best IMO.

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