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Rottie With Rare Disease Can Anyone Help


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Has anyone with a Rotty or any dog experienced this and could give any advice. A friend at our Dog Park has the most beautiful natured female Rotty (with a tail), over the past few months she has been going down hill (she's only 3yrs old), anyway the friend took her to the vet as she's his 'baby' and they couldn't find what was wrong with her, she lost 7kg in 3 weeks and went to skin and bone almost. The vet did say that blood test showed it wasn't cancer however, on recommendation from his vet he took her to Sydney Uni for more tests and they've found she has a very rare disease which is a fungus in her spine, she's on pain killers constantly, apparently she only has a 50/50 chance of recovery with this disease at the moment and if they can't find out what's causing it and treat her sadly it will be terminal.

I saw her yesterday at the dog park and she has put a bit of weight on, her owner was getting the results back today and the vets and everyone are at a loss to find out what is causing it but apparently it's something that rotties get even though its very rare.

Has anyone come across this at all, her owner was so relieved to know it wasn't cancer but now he's going through a worse state as unless they treat her urgently she will die pretty quickly, he's beside himself with worry for his beloved dog, he takes her to the park because he said she is so miserable with the pain when she's at home and perks up quite a bit in the company of other dogs although can't run around because of the pain, he's such a lovely man I feel so sorry for him. I will keep checking from time to time to see if anyone has any info. Thanks guys.

Edited by dandydog
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Thanks Cavandra, no its not spondylitis, however after posting I looked on the net and there is a site which seems to have similar symptoms to that disease can't remember the name of the disease begins with 'a' I think (this is only my guess by the description in the article), will look when I get home from work, however it seems that by the time the dog is diagnosed its usually too late and there is not treatment for it - hope this isn't going to be the case.

Edited by dandydog
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Yes if it starts with A that is all I can think of that meets the description..........If it were me facing such a thing, i would be consulting a Homeopathic Vet to see what their take on it would be.........I have never seen any miracles occur with conventional Vet medicine to date, but have witnessed many through natural therapies............JMO

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Thanks guys, couldn't get back on last night, something came up at home, that was the one Stormie, do you know anything about it? I've suggested he ask the vets at Sydney Uni if she can be given a B12 shot or something to boost her immune system while they're coming up with a treatment regime, I'm not sure if it's contagious or not, because my dog keeps stealing her kong to play with, well come to think of it all the dogs keep stealing her kong seems to be a favourite toy at the dog park, she's so laid back she doesn't bother, but just wondering if it's something that can be passed from dog to dog? I will suggest a homeopathic vet, he may even be able to discuss the condition over the phone at first to see if it's something homeopathic medicines can treat, probably wont see him till Saturday now.

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If it is aspergillus then the dog will need, if the dog has any chance, specific antibiotics along with other drugs similar to those used to supress AIDS.

This is long term medication and it will take a fair while for the dog to get well.

Aspergillus is a dreadful disease.

Fingers crossed that the test comes back with something else other than a fungal infection





Edited by i haz flava!
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