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Grooming Tools For Wire Haired Terriers


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I would really like some suggestions for brushes and stripping tools for my Lakeland Terrier. I am hoping to hand strip her and have a copy of the excellent DVD by Jane Harvey. I have stripped out her puppy coat and need to find a good brush - should I be using a specific type? Also, I was going to purchase a Mars stripping knife but not sure which one to start with.

I will probably get my breeder to help me with her face at first but would like to start by having some decent tools.

All advice appreciated.

Edited by Drumbeat
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My advice would be to contact your breeder and ask them for a list of the tools that they use.

I don't know about other breeders, but when I sell an American Cocker puppy, it goes to its new home with a comprehensive puppy guide which lists all tools required for both minimum and more specialised grooming as well as a brief "how to" and other grooming references such as websites, books and videos.

I would imagine that if you watch what Mrs Harvey uses in the video, you could also get an idea of the tools she is using too.

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Oh dear, does the lack of response mean there are there no wire-haired terrier owners out there??

I own a Wire Haired Fox Terrier (I may be the only person here who does :laugh: ), but I gave up hand stripping as it hurts my hands :cheer: I don't show Zedley so I groom him with electric clippers and scissors.

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I would imagine that if you watch what Mrs Harvey uses in the video, you could also get an idea of the tools she is using too.

The stripping knife she uses is described by Mars as an ear knife which has confused me which is why I was wondering what other owners used.

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Oh dear, does the lack of response mean there are there no wire-haired terrier owners out there??

I own a Wire Haired Fox Terrier (I may be the only person here who does :laugh: ), but I gave up hand stripping as it hurts my hands :cheer: I don't show Zedley so I groom him with electric clippers and scissors.

Did/do you use an undercoating brush on him?

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Oh dear, does the lack of response mean there are there no wire-haired terrier owners out there??

I own a Wire Haired Fox Terrier (I may be the only person here who does :laugh: ), but I gave up hand stripping as it hurts my hands :cheer: I don't show Zedley so I groom him with electric clippers and scissors.

Did/do you use an undercoating brush on him?

I just use a stiff brush to release the underneath dead hairs. Due to a skin problem he is supposed to be getting a bath once a week and I usually take care of his grooming then. Right now he is 8 weeks post bath and groom, and he is filthy. I had an operation on one hand and have been splinted for weeks so unable to gorrm the ratbag. This week is his week for bath catch up time :rofl:

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I have scotties which are a double coated breed. Harsh outer coat on downy undercoat. I use the Mars stripping knives, both regular (blue handle) and fine (red handle). You can also get left-handed ones which have a yellow handle. I find the fine knife gives me the best results, and as the hair on Lakelands heads is similar to scotties, that'd be my choice. Do you show your dog? Regardless of whether you do or don't, may I suggest you cross-post in the "Show Forum" as well. I'm sure the lovely Lakeland show people will be ever so helpful!

I also stand by my Mason and Pearson brushes. They are damned expensive, but I brush will last you 30 years. Seriously. They give great results, much better than anything I have ever used. I went through a lot of cheap, then expensive purpose-built brushes, then finally bit the bullet and got an M&P Popular size bristle and nylon brush. (Cost me around $70 on sale). The best prices I've found are from from www.petersofkensington.com.au which is in Kensington, Sydney, and they do a brilliant mail order service. I've spent heaps there, had lots freighted to me, and never had a breakage or been unhappy with their service.

Hope this helps!

Oh dear, does the lack of response mean there are there no wire-haired terrier owners out there??

I own a Wire Haired Fox Terrier (I may be the only person here who does :laugh: ), but I gave up hand stripping as it hurts my hands :cheer: I don't show Zedley so I groom him with electric clippers and scissors.

Did/do you use an undercoating brush on him?

I just use a stiff brush to release the underneath dead hairs. Due to a skin problem he is supposed to be getting a bath once a week and I usually take care of his grooming then. Right now he is 8 weeks post bath and groom, and he is filthy. I had an operation on one hand and have been splinted for weeks so unable to gorrm the ratbag. This week is his week for bath catch up time :rofl:

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There are many tools out there to use & each person has there favourites what is comfy for one is bulky for another.

The coat also factors into which tools best suit that individual dogs coat.

We have about 20 stripping tools here & to be honest half there not used as there are other items that do a better job.(dr scholl stone etc).

Personally i would touch base with your breeder & ask them what they would use for her coat,Each stripper is different so you could end up with an expensive collection of useless objects.

I presume you got her from either Rita or Eva so they should be able to assist you before going on a buying spree.

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