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Does This Really Work?


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  sas said:
You just have to be serious about scolding the object, don't laugh! LOL

Dog knows if you're not serious and will probably just think you're a nut job for talking to an object.

With the shoe, I picked it up very firmy and gave it a right telling off then put it on the floor and gave it a few good whacks......oh my that sounds crazy LOL

only to those who havent read this yet.

i think i have to tell a lot of naughty plants off over the next few days.

as for toilet training, since i gave it a go on one of my crazier days she seems a little more inclined to wait. that may just be improving bladder and bowel control though :happydance:

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I told DH about this and a few days ago I heard all this yelling going on. I raced out to tell OH off for yelling at the dog for going inside and he said I wasn't I was yelling at the pee, like you told me.


Oh I got a good giggle out of that..very funny indeed!!!

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I've used 'telling off naughty objects' for well over 15 years [firstly with the Sibes and more recently with the Boxers]. Works a treat :shhh:

One Boxerbum was a hole digger - after telling off the holes a few times when he was a pup he no longer dug holes. If he got excited and started scratching around I'd just have to say 'Bad Hole" and he'd look at me, look at his paws and run off away from where he was scratching. He's now over 2 years old and there hasn't been any holes dug what so ever :clap:

Other Boxerbum decided pulling washing off the temp lines under the verandah was a great game. After chastising those 'naughty towels' he no longer pulls any washing off the line :laugh:

Have used this method on numerous other objects all with success.

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I tried the method on my husband - scolding the floor (after he walked on it with dirty shoes) as I was mopping it - didn't work - he did it again the next day.

I also tried scolding the 'stupid doors' which he keeps leaving open (he is from New Zealand & I've been told that people over there like big open spaces - I'm from Europe & I don't) - didn't work either.

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  Shoshana said:
I tried the method on my husband - scolding the floor (after he walked on it with dirty shoes) as I was mopping it - didn't work - he did it again the next day.

I also tried scolding the 'stupid doors' which he keeps leaving open (he is from New Zealand & I've been told that people over there like big open spaces - I'm from Europe & I don't) - didn't work either.

trid it on your dog? might be a better success rate :D

unfortunatly, my pup seems to think its a great game me telling off the socks, or the torn carpet. it did work on my poor dilapidated plant though.

however, the only accidents she has inside arent really her fault, becuase we are out, or i am refusing to wake up after a monster shift, so mainly just stick her outside, and clean up.

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