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3 Year Vaccination Question?


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Kaos is due for her needles next month, and i have been trying to sort this 3 year vaccination out.

I talked to my vets, who normally give a C8 vaccination every time you go in there.

He said they did do a trial on the 3 year one, but said that it is only a C3.

That what I need to do is get a C5 with the kennel cough in it every year, and then the C3 once every 3 years.

HE said they are not going to be using the 3 year needles, but do have some on supply if i wanted to go ahead with it.

Can someone dumb it down for me? Is it a C3 vaccination? and if so, can i get the Para and Bord injections done every year on their own?

Kennel Cough is BAD here at the moment, and to take my dogs to work they need the C5. (and I only want to give them a C5)

I have run a few vets in other towns, and so far my vet is the only one who has it in stock and willing for me to use it.

Thanks !


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OMG..........I just choked on my coffee...................C8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

What is wrong with these Vets, they cant live in a vaccumm & be ignoring all the scientic evidence of what unneccessary "cocktails" are doing...........C7 was shocking, what on earth is in a C8???????

sorry I am too flabberghasted to answer right now!

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Thats ok, im with you - last time i asked for a C5 only they tried to talk me out of it - but at least they have the 3 year one... i guess?

He also said another reason they dont want to do the 3 year one is because most people Only come in for the vaccinations - it gives them a chance to check the dog over, i guess in a way i can understand that, but couldnt they send reminders out for the pets once a year check up?

I love my vets, but at times they drive me mad. (And no, no option of changing! Only 2 other vets here and both you wouldnt get me to go near!)

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Guest Tess32

TB - ALL vaccinations last longer than three years, it's just marketing issues on some of them.

If you definitely require a vaccinations instead of a titer test, then get a C3 and get the seperate KC.

Your dogs are adults and have been vaccinated, if a titer test will be enough paperwork for you, they'll be covered.

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Vet wont titer test, not yet anyways :) Said just because the results are XXXX one day, does not mean they will be the same the next day *sigh*

So you CAN get a KC vacc? thats all i really wanted to know - so i can get the 3 year C3 vac, than get the KC every 12 months. (need it for work)

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Guest Tess32

Sure can. Nobivac do a seperate KC vacc - it goes up the nose. Hopefully your vet can order it in.

C8? Holy crap, what is even in that!

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:) C8!!

Tess32 is right.

Nobivac do a 3 yearly vaccine for Distemper/Parvo/Hepatitis( the old C3) and then your dog has an annual intra-nasal vaccine( in one nostril) for the Kennel Cough Component. Our Vet does not charge any more than the old C5.

Under the Animal Act here in Vic dogs entering Boarding kennels etc must have the C5 component annually and the kennels with accept the 3 yearly C3 vaccine( I know this to be fact as I recently checked with the Department of Primary Industries here in Vic who govern and set the Rules for members of the Boarding Kennels Association).

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I'm contemplating the 3 year version but I'm really put off by the intranasal yearly kennel cough thing. That intranasal vacc is horrible and the one experience I have of it was for my chihuahua pup and he virtually had aspiration pneumonia after it. Very traumatic to give them too. I'd hate to have to try and give it to a staffy! my baby Chi was hard enough.


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A C8 vaccination covers the same as a C5 plus tetanus, leptospirosis and coronavirus. As I don't board my dogs I only ever give a C3, there is absolutely no way that I'd ever give any of my dogs a C8 :laugh:

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Still can't believe the C8 :laugh: We looked it up at work today and found a vet in australia who advocates the C8, and refers to it as the 'latest in vaccines for dogs' and also pushes for an F5 in all cats. Wonder what they think of the 3 yearly C3....

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We got a dog in at work who has had a C3 (not the 3 year one) and then had to get the KC to board - have gotten vet details and will be ringing them as soon as i can to ask about it - i dont want to change vets... and hate the other ones here, but if they do it, than i will go there

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Sure can. Nobivac do a seperate KC vacc - it goes up the nose. Hopefully your vet can order it in.

TB- Just make sure Duke isn't given this. I've been advised by quite a few breeders to avoid the nasal for Mildred at all costs.

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Nope, Duke is dads boy. This is just for Kaos and Atlas - not sure if i like the up the nose one - life would be easier if i didnt like my dogs and didnt actually want to take them to work with me!!

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When I got Zero he was only C4 vaccinated - they don't do the KC at the shelter because most of the dogs have it when they're there anyway.

The nasal thing was fine for him a couple of weeks later - but he has a big, long nose. I'm not sure if i'd want to put it in a nose that was smaller...

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Bosco had his vacs just the other day, and I got the 3 year C3, but was also told that I still need to vac for KC every 12 months. He also has his heartworm injection every year.

He had a needle for the KC though, not intranasal?

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Pele had a C3 as a 6 week old puppy from her breeder. I didn't vaccinate her until 14 weeks, and then only C3 to get her into obedience training. Just after that I found out about the 3 year vaccination, and yeah, it's the same vaccination despite what they tell you. Went armed with all the info to the vet, and yes, they agreed with me and re-issued her vacc. cert to show 3 years :hug:

Pele's vacc's were due again in May. I really don't want to vaccinate and would rather do a Titre test, but don't think that the obedience club would accept it. Oh well, we've got until next February :laugh: In the mean time I'm going to the Dr Jean Dodds seminar here in Adelaide this weekend, so hope to learn more. It's being put on by the Golden Retriever Club as part of their Nationals and the secretary of the obedience club is also treasurer of the Goldie club, so hope that she goes to the seminar :laugh:

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Well, i am even more confused!

Have found out my vet DOES do the KC needle, so will be doing that, 3 year vac, with KC

But i found out that another vet does a C5 - but their C5 does not include a KC shot? That you have to get a C8 to get KC in it?

I thought they were all the same an a C5 had the same things in it no matter where you got it from??


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I am a bit confused also and was worried about the nasal KC vaccination.

I ended up getting Astro (papillon) vaccinated with a C4 and the nasal KC today. Only after voicing my concerns (from what I read here) about the Nasal process. The vet convinced me that it was kinder than giving it as part of the injection as it can be quite painful for small puppies.

I hope he is ok... He seems ok so far!

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I am a bit confused also and was worried about the nasal KC vaccination.

I ended up getting Astro (papillon) vaccinated with a C4 and the nasal KC today. Only after voicing my concerns (from what I read here) about the Nasal process. The vet convinced me that it was kinder than giving it as part of the injection as it can be quite painful for small puppies.

I hope he is ok... He seems ok so far!

The ONLY time I used this nasal spray all my pups were very sick indeed, they didnt get sick until about a week later....basically the nasal spray actually gave them the kennel cough virus. Never again!!!

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Well, i am even more confused!

Have found out my vet DOES do the KC needle, so will be doing that, 3 year vac, with KC

But i found out that another vet does a C5 - but their C5 does not include a KC shot? That you have to get a C8 to get KC in it?

I thought they were all the same an a C5 had the same things in it no matter where you got it from??


LOL.....so if THEIR C5 is different to everyone elses, did you ask which 5 components their "special" one does? :)

C3 is 3 Viruses (core vaccine Parvo, Distemper & Hepatitis)

C4 is 4 Viruses - add Parainfluenza

C5 is 5 Viruses - add Bordetella

C7 is 7 Viruses - add Leptospirosis :cry:

C8 is 8 Viruses - add Coronavirus

Imagine having 8 Viruses injected into your body at one time!!! :birthday:

This 3 year vaccine is the same product as you have always been given, they just call it a different name!!!!

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