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Op Done On Friday


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Before I phone the vet, can anyone with experience please help.

My foxy had an op on Friday morning and we got her home yesterday, Saturday, at 3pm.

She cant walk properly so I have been carrying her outside to toilet.

Its now Sunday 6pm and she still hasnt done a 'poo'

is this normal?

is there anything edible I can give her to help?

would appreciate any comments


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What surgery did she have and how long did you fast her for before the surgery?


She had a lump removed (cancer) on her leg and also a couple of other bits taken off abdomen.

I fasted her from 7pm Thursday till the op on Friday

The vets fed her on Saturday and said she did a poo about 2pm - and now nothing since then- although I have fed her 2 small meals and a few treats. She has a morphine patch on.

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She might not have enough waste matter in her bowel to need to relieve herself. But if you're worried, give your vet a quick call and be guided by him.

Pats and gentle scratches for the little one, here's hoping for a full and speedy recovery.

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She might not have enough waste matter in her bowel to need to relieve herself. But if you're worried, give your vet a quick call and be guided by him.

Pats and gentle scratches for the little one, here's hoping for a full and speedy recovery.

thank you

I will feed her now as usual and call the vet I just didnt know if it was normal for post op dogs... she is usually a regular :thumbsup:

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The morphine might have constipated her. Sounds like she had a very big operation so I would probably expect her to still be effect by it all.

What sort of food do you feed? If it's dried stuff maybe soak it in water to up her water intake. You could also give her some yoghurt.

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The morphine might have constipated her. Sounds like she had a very big operation so I would probably expect her to still be effect by it all.

What sort of food do you feed? If it's dried stuff maybe soak it in water to up her water intake. You could also give her some yoghurt.

I feed her raw meat and veggies and I've added water to the veggies. She wont drink so I have syringed water into her mouth... she doesnt want to go outside because its raining which isnt helping :-(

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I am sure she will be fine. She has had a big operation and she is a little dog. GA's can knock them around a bit. I've only experienced desexing ops and eye ops with the dogs I have had but with some of the bitches that have been desexed it takes them a few days to return to normal.

You would probably have to syringe the water down the throat rather then just in her mouth. If she hasn't had a big drink by tomorrow afternoon then I would be contacting the vets. But I am sure she will come good.

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I phoned the vets and they've closed already :thumbsup:

I have just fed her and put a lot of water in with it - she ate it all up the little piglet that she is :D

so I will just keep taking her out every hour and hope for the best

if I dont get a good result by morning she will be off to the vets

I just want to thank everyone who replied when you are worried and someone helps it means more than you know :)

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I was in the same boat two weeks ago when one of my goldies had a cruciate ligament op on the Friday - it took him until late Sunday night to poo - have to say I was becoming concerned too - especially as he is used to pooing after every meal!

However, more food and plenty of water (plus some pet milk) and he eventually struggled to do the job - it didn't help that it was raining either :)

At one stage I was almost happy for him to snap one off inside! ;)

Anyway, he sorted himself out soon enough but softer food is definitely the way to go following surgery.


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The morphine will be making her constipated, I am on the morphine patches too so I know :(

hope you're feeling ok...

well eventually she managed it I gave her a few prunes but no idea if they helped or not :)

The problem now is she wont chill and the wound on her leg is not healing well but thats another story.. :dunce:

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........well eventually she managed it I gave her a few prunes but no idea if they helped or not :(

The problem now is she wont chill and the wound on her leg is not healing well but thats another story.. :(

Can you get some Manuka Honey?

Put some on the wound and an Elizabethan collar to stop any licking - it truly will make a difference!

Also give a teaspoon of Manuka Honey two or three times a day - best natural antibiotic ever :eek:

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........well eventually she managed it I gave her a few prunes but no idea if they helped or not :laugh:

The problem now is she wont chill and the wound on her leg is not healing well but thats another story.. :thumbsup:

Can you get some Manuka Honey?

Put some on the wound and an Elizabethan collar to stop any licking - it truly will make a difference!

Also give a teaspoon of Manuka Honey two or three times a day - best natural antibiotic ever :laugh:

I will definitely try this, thanks for the tip - the vet put some honey on her last night but didnt tell me to keep doing it... I have to take her to the vet daily so I will discuss this at tonights visit

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