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Spinal Problem


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Kyzer has not been very well lately, seems to have some kind of spinal problem, just wondering if anyone has had a dog with similar symptoms?

We have an appointment with a specialist at Rivergum on Monday morning. Hopefully they will be able to find out what it is, and hopefully it is not serious.

We started noticing something was not right when he would become quiet and withdrawn and not want to eat for several hours to a day at a time, but he always went back to normal so we never thought there would be something seriously wrong.

He is still very active, running around flat out, wrestling with toys and us.

Approx 5-6 months ago, when being held would cry quietly as if in pain and look behind him as if something was hurting, he would spin in a circle almost chasing his tail, this would happen for a short time (he would spin around once and that was it), would be weeks between this happening and he would be perfectly fine

Occasionally he would go off his food for a day or so and want to sleep but this never happened at the same time as the crying so we always just thought he was not feeling well as he has a tendency to eat some strange things, and he has always been a fussy eater.

Last few weeks –

Kyzer has gone off his food for up to two days at a time, and cried when being held occasionally, shivering although not cold, ears completely flat and tail down, would just want to lay down and sleep, this would happen for a day or two then he would be fine for weeks.

On Friday 6th June, Kyzer was sleeping and started screaming and woke us up, once I had calmed him down he was fine and went back to sleep and was back to usual on Saturday, apart from one or two instances of small whimpers

He has been acting fine since Friday, but on Monday I found 3 very small pieces of faeces in bed in the morning

He has also been acting normal during the day, but at night he finds it hard to get comfortable, and licks a lot. Licking his feet, bed, us, whatever he can.

I gave him some pain relief but it didn’t really seem to help. In fact, seemed to make him a bit hyperactive!

We have also noticed that he seems to stretch his back a lot. I also noticed the muscles along his back are very tense and stiff.

Just curious to know if anyone has had any similar experiences?


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Sounds awful!! I'm guessing he is/was very active?? Perhaps he's popped a disk or damaged his back by twisting/landing funny or something? The faeces in bed is alarming - how are his back legs working? Though it sounds like he is still active, as you say above.

I've popped a disk in my back myself (car accident) and needed surgery. My legs weren't working too good at that point tho :rofl:

Hope it goes okay on Monday and you find out what's going on....

Edited by Miss Helena
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Oh I forgot to add that part into my essay :rofl:

His legs are working perfectly fine.

And active is a bit of an understatement :laugh: He has always torn around like a mad thing jumping and springing.

He is 16 months old.

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We decided to go to the specialist on Monday, find out what is wrong, then see if acupuncture / chiro / bowen can help.

Hesitant to take him before finding out what is wrong, because I don't want to take the risk of making it worse if they do not know what they are dealing with.

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We decided to go to the specialist on Monday, find out what is wrong, then see if acupuncture / chiro / bowen can help.

Hesitant to take him before finding out what is wrong, because I don't want to take the risk of making it worse if they do not know what they are dealing with.

Very good point! Backs are not something to mess around with...

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