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Dog Eat Poo


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Hi Guys,

Just wondering, I have seen a dog eats its own poo or other dog's poo quite often..

Do you think its a sickness?? and can be passed to the next generation??

or is it normal???

If I want to stop the eating poo habit, What way is your suggestion??

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If you feed the dog paw paw or pineapple pieces it makes their poo disgusting to them so they give up eating it........If they eat another dogs poo you need to feed the other dog this to break the habit.. .

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A lot of dogs eat poo, in fact it's so common that I'd consider it normal behaviour. Some dogs eat their own, some dogs eat the faeces of other dogs, others will eat horse, cow, possum, kangaroo, chook, cat or human and some will eat any sort of poo from any source. No one knows why they do it, it could be an old survival mechanism (dogs are scavengers after all), it could be caused by boredom, curiosity or maybe they just like the taste of it. I have actually never owned a dog that didn't eat some sort of poo, but of all the different types of poo available I think cat poo is the absolute favourite.

I have a bitch here who will eat any sort of poo including that of other dogs, she doesn't eat her own, but anything else is fair game. She is 7 years old and has never grown out of it. I also have two males here who used to eat dog poo when they were puppies but did grow out of it.

There are various remedies including putting pineapple juice or meat tenderiser in their food, but I've never really bothered about it, providing you worm your dog regularly I have never known any dog to come to any harm by eating poo.

So no it's not a sickness at all, it's a gross habit from a human's point of view, but probably a very enjoyable occupation for the dog.

Edited by Miranda
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My pup used to a lot. I think she still does sometimes. My family was horrified but I told them its a natural behaviour. I think she is growing out of eating her own. But Kangaroo poo seems to be a delicacy *ew*

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Thanks guys for the inputs.

It is really gross from my Point of view for dogs eat poo. But someone ever told me that actually poo is the most healthy food for dogs... hummm is it true??

although it's true... I still feel disguisting... :rolleyes:

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Well, I don't know that it is normal for a dog to eat their own poo. None of the dogs I've ever lived with have done that. They won't touch other dog's poos, either. Cat poo, rabbit poo, roo poo, and pretty much anything else under the sun is fair game, but not dog poo.

I've heard it said that dogs do this when they aren't digesting everything and what comes out still has things in it that smell like food. I believe it's not uncommon with kibble diets.

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