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Raw Food Diet


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She weighs 33 kg. She gets sbout 60% meaty bones and 20% vegies/fruit and the rest is fish offal etc.

In one of the books I read it suggested I calculate how much to feed her based on what I was already feeding her in dry food. Im not sure Ive got it right though.

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Guest Tess32
In the morning she gets meaty bones, chicken wings, chicken neck, lamb necks, flaps etc about 600-770gm (about 4 big wings). At night I feed her a blend of vegies, usualy spinach, silver beet, zuchini, carrots, tomatoes etc plus some beef or pork with an egg. twice a week she gets some offal and once a week fish. I also add a little cod liver oil and kelp to her dinner. Im working on about 400gm of vegies and 200 of meat or fish etc. Oh she also gets some fruit included in her vegie mash about twice a week.

I guess in total shes eating about 1.2kg of food a day, sometimes a little less.

That seems about right to me.....presuming she's about 35kgish? She definitely wouldn't go hungry on that amount. You could switch the meals around maybe - I give a smaller meal in the morning and the meaty bones at night so they work on them and feel satisfied at night.

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What excellent help has been given here. I have saved your post Puggy Puggy and will be following it.

I am pretty upset at the moment, because one of my dogs, Jeune, is at the vets having all sorts of blood tests, but they are pretty sure she has Pancreatitis. She was off colour on Sunday, so I took her straight to the vet. I've has her for about 4 years so she would be between 7 and 8, and she has never been sick in that time.

More blood tests will come back today including the one specifically to show whether or not she has it and how bad.

Some years ago, I had a little dog with P who eventually died from the disease and she was dreadfully sick for the last couple of days of her life. I am just so upset for Jeune as I know how sick the disease can make them.

I know I will be getting all sorts of advice from the vet on her diet and treatment, but just wanted to have a "little wobbly" here. I have 4 other little dogs all of whom, including Jeune, are rescue dogs.

My dogs generally have a mixture of raw food, cans, veggies and rice cooked in home made chicken stock.

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