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Memory Card Help!


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I have a sandisk Extreme 4.0Gb card in my camera. I've had it for about a year or so and it's never been an issue.

Took some shots about a week ago and when going through them on the camera, every 10 or so pics (on the camera) the LCD displays "corrupt data" ..... have tried to upload the pics on the card to my computer and it has uploaded 3 of them.... there are approx 50 pics still on there and some of them are bloody good shots that I desperately don't want to lose as I am unlikely to get the chance to get ones like it again and I am in a right state.

Is the card screwed and my pics stuffed??

Or is there somewhere I can take the card or something I can do to make it ok again without deleting or losing my photos??? :thumbsup:

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I have some software I bought to retrieve data from a dead hard drive, so far it has gotten data from two hard drives that no one could save. It's called get data back, you can download it and it will scan your drive or disc, and show you what it has retrieved. Then if you can get stuff back you can buy it. It was about $80, but I have a copy so if you can't get them back any other way I can run it through mine if you post it to me. Can't guarantee it can save those files, but worth a shot if you can't find anything up your way to recover them.

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Don't SanDisk cards come with data recovery software?

You can try PhotoRescue, I've had several friends use it and they say it's great. I, thankfully have never had a card go bunk on me! There's a demo version of it you can try if you follow that link, too.

Don't format or otherwise try to use that card again until you figure out if things can be saved.

If you are looking for new cards, I have and use Transcend. The one that lives in my camera all the time right now is their 8GB one and it's $37 in the US :thumbsup: I've used Transcends for years and years with not a single problem. I also have a bunch of SanDisk's of all of their types it seems and I've only ever had one problem with them (it is the only brand I've personally had fail, but even so, one out of the 15+ cards of theirs I have isn't that bad, I guess). LexarPro are also excellent cards in my experience, with no failures on this end. For me, spending twice or more cash on a card isn't worth it.

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... If you are looking for new cards, I have and use Transcend. ....

Good to hear a hands-on recommendation. We were just given the "i-store" supplier details by someone at Camera Club. They are still a bit cheaper than SanDisk, though of courese not as good as the overseas price you mentioned.

I've had two SanDisks fail. We like Toshiba, find they are positively faster and (touchwood) totally reliable. But I will get a couple of Transcends now, from this local supplier, and 'see how they go'. The 4g is On Special for $35 that'll do me, and said to rate better than the Ultra II.

Looks like i-store also has a good range of hard drives. They have order-on-line, plus stores in Nunawading (Melb) and Sydney. Their website for stock and prices: www.i-store.com.au

I have never been 'game' to use a 4g or 8g card, the all-in-one-basket fear. Prefer 2s, and back them up regularly to an Epson on the day.

Good luck Cordy: I got a few shots back on a 2g Sandisk that went bad, but not all of them (and strangely also some were recovered from about five shoots earlier, although card had been re-formatted and re-used several times). Took it to a fellow who charged $50. I could have tried the software but didn't want to risk making a bad situation worse so used pro services that time.

Edited by PossumCorner
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OK - are these images jpegs or raw (rawfiles are HUGE compared to jpegs). I have had the odd image come up as corrupt and often the camera had a glitch but I found that the other images could be downloaded just not the corrupt ones (but then the card reader I think would come up with some kind of an error and you' tell it to skip that file and it would continue with the others.

Also do you reformat the card in the camera every time you use it? as only deleting when in card reader can cause problems with th ecard as that doesnt clear the information properly.

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I format the card every time I use the card. I've never had an issue with this or my other card (only a 1Gb).

The files are RAW format.

I've managed to get the camera to upload 3 of the pics from the 4Gb card but that's it (and it took half an hour to do that). I took that card out yesterday after another 'corrupted file' thing appeared on the LCD screen and used my 1Gb for the rest of the day and had no worries uploading the 108 pics on it.

I use Zoombrowser to upload the pics from the camera and have never had a problem with it exept now with this card. With zoombrowser you have a choice to upload pics straight into zoombrowser or pick and choose which pics to upload from the card... with the issues now, it won't allow me the choice (and photoshop upload doesn't even recognise that the card exists) to pick and choose otherwise I would be able to see the pics it affects (or doesn't affect).

So, it is just the card. Camera is working fine as is the other memory card.

I could have tried the software but didn't want to risk making a bad situation worse so used pro services that time.

That's sort of my thinking PC.. I am not at all technically capable so i am worried about losing the pics by doing something retarded that i have no place doing. Whilst many of the pics aren't wonderful, it was my cousins first birthday so not something I can redo. It was an extra special day because it was the first time my whole family had got together after the death of my uncle a few months ago.... I'd be very sad to lose them.

Thanks for the link kja.... I'll have a squizz at it tonight when I get home from work and see if I can understand it.

Jo... I may take you up on the offer and post it to you if I can't figure anything out.

Thanks guys. :D

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Sometimes the camera can have an error in writing to the card - can be caused by anything even a battery running low. Sometimes its the card but reformatting in the camera (not on the computer) should fix the problem. Not common but can happen now and again.

Does the software allow you to delete individual files?

Maybe its something to do with RAW that causing problems with skipping the corrupt ones - dont know dont work with that format.

I just use windows to upload from card to computer. I'd open the folder with the photos (the corrupt ones just would not come up as an image) and highlight and copy everything across to where I want it. With the corrupt ones a message would come up that it couldn't copy and after selecting OK it would skip that one and copy the rest.

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Does the software allow you to delete individual files?

in camera... yes.... but it won't do it with this troublesome card now (has done so previously without issues). When I tried it, it sort of freezes then if I wait a few minutes, I can turn the camera off.

I think it's rooted. :love:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the same thing happen with exactly the same card - my shots weren't important though luckily. I reformatted it and it works, but its not reliable and often it will lock up and corrupt the files.

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Codelia - did you figure out the problem?

ish - I'd toss the card and get a new one. There are lots of good deals around on cards, making them cheap as chips really. Until the end of the month you can get SanDisk 8GB IIIs for like $28-35 after the rebates. I've ordered some for myself and for some others here in Australia and would be happy to order some more if anyone wants them. I'll be posting them back when I land in the US (end of June) so you'd have them in a couple of weeks.

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  • 1 month later...

Can you access the camera via My Computer? If so you should be able to browse the camera folder and copy and paste all the files to your computer. (It does take a while to load the camera folder, but if it doesn't seem to be doing anything, right click and refresh and wait a bit longer)

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you can recover cards,

if you google Digital image recovery, you can down load some software.

very easy to use.

Not sure if you know this at all but with all cards you should be formatting them,

You should do this after you have printed saved all your images on to CD/PC

this saves the card/images from becoming corrupt

Hope this helps.

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Nope bonnie... :cheer:

My cards are formatted every time I'm done uploading them to the computer.

Turned the camera on last night with the card that's fine and it worked fine... put in the other one and the camera freezes (can't view pics or take pics or anything).

I think it's rooted but will look at that software and see if I can use it.

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