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How To Teach A Tight/tuck Sit?


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I realized that my golden doesn't have a very tight sit.

It's not a puppy sit, however her back legs/paws sort of open up and are not parallel with her body.

Any ideas how to teach her to have the paws aligned and have a tight/tuck sit?

Edited by laffi
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Hmm - when this happens it tells me my dog is sore.

Has your dog always sat sloppily or is this new?

I would be inclined to use a food lure and ask the dog to sit up tall and click and treat

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Hmm - when this happens it tells me my dog is sore.

Has your dog always sat sloppily or is this new?

I would be inclined to use a food lure and ask the dog to sit up tall and click and treat

Well I was worried too, but then I googled 'golden retriever sit obedience' and 90% of them sit like that!

For example:


Can you see how the back paws/legs are open?

Sort of like: /\

How would you lure to teach her to tuck them? I tried yesterday and I didn't get her to sit tucked even once. However when I lured her into crawling her paws were open at the beginning but she was slowly learning to tuck them in.

I think she never learned how to tuck them in (I never did enough obedience to worry about it, but now I need it for my agility project).

ETA she was always quite sloppy

Edited by laffi
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Hmm - when this happens it tells me my dog is sore.

Has your dog always sat sloppily or is this new?

I would be inclined to use a food lure and ask the dog to sit up tall and click and treat

Well I was worried too, but then I googled 'golden retriever sit obedience' and 90% of them sit like that!

For example:


Can you see how the back paws/legs are open?

Sort of like: /\

How would you lure to teach her to tuck them? I tried yesterday and I didn't get her to sit tucked even once. However when I lured her into crawling her paws were open at the beginning but she was slowly learning to tuck them in.

I think she never learned how to tuck them in (I never did enough obedience to worry about it, but now I need it for my agility project).

ETA she was always quite sloppy


Have you had your dogs hips xrayed?

I am aware of a puppy sit, when my labs are young, and really take no nevermind, if they pass Penn hip.

If hips are not a concern, I may use one of my feet to gently "tuck" them in, to encourage good habits.

Why are you worried?

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