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House Training


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I have two Jack Russell puppies that are eight months old. The boy dog is well and truly house trained and has been for a few months. The girl dog is just not getting it. She gets the part that if we go outside and she goes then she gets a treat but she doesn't get that means that she doesn't go inside. the thing is too I think she does know she is doing the wrong thing as she never goes in the house when I am looking so she obviously knows it is wrong.

The other thing that is grossing me out is that when my girl dog does a poo the boy dog will often eat it. Is there any way to stop this. I want to puke sometimes. :D

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Poo eating is often a sign of diet. My pup ate his, and LOTS of possum poo at my folk's house before I changed him to a BARF diet.

Can you describe the set up you have for the housetraining? Are they allowed access to inside / outside? Do you have them on a potty schedule? Always treat results?

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Poo eating is often a sign of diet. My pup ate his, and LOTS of possum poo at my folk's house before I changed him to a BARF diet.

Can you describe the set up you have for the housetraining? Are they allowed access to inside / outside? Do you have them on a potty schedule? Always treat results?

Excuse my ignorance but what is BARF? I feed them half a cup of Pedigree puppy dry food and a few spoonfuls of tinned food at night.

My boy dog is outside during the day and my girl dog is in her crate as she escapes the fence. She never soils her crate. I take her outside as soon as I get home around 5 then every two hours after that until I go to bed. I take her outside in the morning as soon as I get up then before I go to work.

I always treat her when she goes outside.

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Poo eating is often a sign of diet. My pup ate his, and LOTS of possum poo at my folk's house before I changed him to a BARF diet.

Can you describe the set up you have for the housetraining? Are they allowed access to inside / outside? Do you have them on a potty schedule? Always treat results?

Excuse my ignorance but what is BARF? I feed them half a cup of Pedigree puppy dry food and a few spoonfuls of tinned food at night.

My boy dog is outside during the day and my girl dog is in her crate as she escapes the fence. She never soils her crate. I take her outside as soon as I get home around 5 then every two hours after that until I go to bed. I take her outside in the morning as soon as I get up then before I go to work.

I always treat her when she goes outside.

Not sure on the toiletting as my dog has a pet loo in close range and no fence to escape! Sorry.

But BARF = Bones and Raw Food. It's a way of feeding and it has worked wonders for us - appearance (coat and teeth are great), behaviour (a lot calmer than dry) and toiletting (stools are really firm and small so less cleaning and great for anal glands, plus he drinks a lot less than on dry so less urine).

PM me if you want my feeding regime / recipes! :D

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Re the poo eating - some dogs just do it, doesn't necessarily have something to do with diet. When I worked at the dog daycare we had several that we knew we had to watch as they were known poo eaters.

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I have two Jack Russell puppies that are eight months old. The boy dog is well and truly house trained and has been for a few months. The girl dog is just not getting it. She gets the part that if we go outside and she goes then she gets a treat but she doesn't get that means that she doesn't go inside. the thing is too I think she does know she is doing the wrong thing as she never goes in the house when I am looking so she obviously knows it is wrong.

The other thing that is grossing me out is that when my girl dog does a poo the boy dog will often eat it. Is there any way to stop this. I want to puke sometimes. :)

Bomber have you ever punished her for toileting inside? If so, this doesn't teach your dog not to toilet inside, it teaches them not to toilet inisde infront of you.

You also mention taking her out to the toilet every couple of hours when you're home. You might need to go back to basics and make it at least every hour and each time after eating, playing and sleeping. You'll need to stay outside with her every time she goes out to the toilet so you can make sure she eliminated and be there to praise her as soon as she does. Until she improves you might want to consider limiting her access to certain areas of the house so that she doesn't have full run of the house (where it's much harder for you to see what she's up to). If any accidents do occur, be sure to put her straight outside and clean up while she can't see you, using non-ammonia cleaning products (ammonia is a urine-like smell to dogs who like to go back to urine-smelling spots to toilet).

Best of luck :rofl:

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