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How To Groom A Weimaraner?


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I've got a Weimaraner puppy which I show as well. He's a mix between a longhair and a shorthair so his coat is a bit different from a 'normal' Weimaraner. On the last show I noticed a lot of dead hair on him and tried several 'devices' out of my grooming kit (see attached foto) but nothing seemed to have worked properly. What should I use to brush the dead hair of him?


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I thought they were long haired or short haired?

Yes, that's right. But if you cross a longhair with a shorthair to produce a longhair carrier, the coat is a bit different. Looks like a shorthair but it's a bit thicker. It's called 'stockhaar' and is a medium top coat with a light undercoat.

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<But if you cross a longhair with a shorthair to produce a longhair carrier, the coat is a bit different. Looks like a shorthair but it's a bit thicker. It's called 'stockhaar' and is a medium top coat with a light undercoat.>

Aaaah I see (said the blindman to his deaf daughter....)

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OA I us a rubber groomer also, I find it does a great job. The best one I have found is one I bought from a saddlery shop. Cheap as chips I think I paid $ 3.00 and it works a treat.

I have a LH carrier, my girl, I use it on her with great results.

As you know I show my boy. Before a show I wash him then when dry I use the rubber groomer to remove dead hair and to bring the oils back up in his coat. Finally I give his coat a polish to make him shine.

Go the rubber groomer. Use it first then if you like use your soft brush to smooth the coat. Avoid brushing a dirty coat and don't bath too often as it removes the natural oils from the coat and skin.

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I don't know if it will help you OA but I have been using a natural bristle brush and that seems to get Bailey's coat out very well :laugh:

Is that like the one on the left in my grooming kit? :(

Similar but I think that one might be nylon :cool: mine is very similar looking to the Mason Pearson brushes but was a lot cheaper ($10 from Big W), I will take a photo of it tomorrow if you like. I just looked at it and it is a natural boar bristle brush!!

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I believe that the "bathing too often removes natural oils" is an old wives take. Long haired show dogs like afghans and Shih tzu (both i've owned and had glorious coats) are bathed weekly, often twice weekly. The key to bathing often is to use a premium shampoo, which these days is manufactured to not strip natural oils from the coat.

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