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Feeling Off

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As a new dog owner, I'm not sure if Turtle's symptoms are worth taking him to the vet or not, and considering we live remote and have to add extra $$$ and lots of them to the vet bill through petrol, I was after some opinions...(please :laugh:)

The last few days, Turtle has been quiet. Sleeping a lot, lying down. Usually he sleeps a bit, but not this much. His poo is runny and over the last week or so has lost his appetite. He has some sores on his feet at the moment which we are treating him for, could this be causing it? He is also shedding his coat, does this make them feel off? He will have little spurts of energy, but because he's not eating properly he just crashes. Should I vary his diet to entice him to eat or will this just play with his tummy more?

He's just not his normal chipper self. When I came home the other day there was a pool of green liquid in the laundry - I'm not sure if it was poo or vomit, but I'm assuming it came from him.

Might he just have runny tummy, or could it be something more? I know it's probably best to go to the vet, but the vet that's closest to us is only open wed, thu...should I wait that long, or do I go to the next town to their other clinic?


I'm worried about him, but maybe I'm over reacting as this is the first time I've had him crook.

By the way he's 11 months old and a male Newfie.

Any opinion would be greatly appreciated.

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You need to take him to the vet. Until then, it's not advisable to feed a dog with diarrhoea. You need to starve him 24 to 36hrs. Completely, water only. Then just boiled chicken with a little rice for a few days. But he needs to visit the vet. It's unlikely his feet or coat change has anything to do with his illness.

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I don't think you're overreacting. He could possibly have a blockage?

It's also worth mentioning to the vet that Turtle has just done a stint in boarding kennels. Diarrhea could be diet change, although he's been back a while now hasn't he?

I would get him to a vet sooner, rather than later ie tomorrow if possible. I hope it's nothing serious.

Have you got any cooked chicken and rice you can give in the meantime?

eta: *snap* gashmir - posted at same time, so sorry doubled up on info

Edited by Clyde
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Are there vets out there who would do phone consults to see then if it's necessary to travel in? Can you take a dogs temperature? I suppose then there is no way to get drugs if you need it then.............

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Yeah, a phone consult would probably be best to start with...Thanks Clyde for the idea :thumbsup:

mc, we've been giving him a little gatorayde to make sure he's hydrated.

He was a bit better this morning, quite hungry as he didn't have dinner last night - I just gave him some rice and biscuits (we didn't have chicken). He was a little more chirpy. I'm still going to call the vet though...

Thanks guys.

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Hi..if you can , avoid dog bikkies, sugar/fat...

plain rice will be fine for a day or two...let his gut have a rest! lots of water.. any acidopholus caps in the house, or good plain yoghurt? Give him some to help his gut...

Hope he is ok.

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Hi guys,

I got home yesterday afternoon to take Turtle to the vet, and he was all bouncy and happy like his usual self. I decided to put off the vet and monitor if his condition kept getting better or not. He was full of beans last night until he crashed at about 8pm (which is normal), and then this morning he was sleepy and dozy (but that's normal too). He's eating all his food again, and his poo was more solid this morning. I'm still just giving him rice and a couple of biscuits though, just to go easy on the tum.

So far so good :clap:

Thanks for all your help guys :clap:

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