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Teach Your Dog To Skip Rope?


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Some instructions, anybody have a translation?

Re: Dog skipping Rope

I´ll try...

1. Teach the dog to jump on command, towards a treat in your hand or with your hand as target. Fade away the handsignal.

2. Start jumping together with your dog, making your jump the signal for the dog.

3. Make sure the dog is not afraid of the rope. You should be able to gently hit the dog with the rope (in case that happens during training it will not be scared), and swish it through the air.

4. Start with the rope on the ground, jump with your dog and pull the rope under you both when you are in the air. (does that make any sense in english?)

5. Swish the rope in the air, paus slightly when it hits the ground, make one jump together.

6. Practise until the motion is flowing.

7. Teach the dog to jump three - four times for one treat.

8. The last bit on the film are our mistakes during the shoot...

I hope this is understandable, good luck!

Edited by whatevah
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I reckon I could get JimJam Jamie girl doing that. She's good with jumping to target my hand, so I have a starting point.

Just need to get a skipping rope, some time and personal motivation ... get back to you in about a year :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all

First of all I got Gambit to Jump on command by holding my hand high in the air. Gambit is an Aussie Shepherd so he isn't little.

Next I put the rope on the ground and got him to jump by holding my hand high in the air.

Then I got him to stand, swung the rope over his back and asked for a jump.

We did that a few times, then to my amazement as I swung the rope over his back he jumped by himself..

I was dumfounded. I couldn't believe he did it after just a few tries as I'd only bought the skipping rope a few hours before.

I haven't done any more practicing with him since then so I will have a go at it tomorrow.

Wow he picked it up so fast.

When he can do it I'll see if I can get someone to video him for me.

He just loves doing tricks and things. Yells at me when we aren't continually doing trick things.

We wer in a tracks class for this term and the instructor keep pushing us to do harder things. the best was going through the ladder that way lying on the ground.

Gambit has done that since he was a puppy so it wasn't a chore to him. the instructor then put four pot plants (empty) on each corner of the ladder. It was off the ground by about 20+ cm. Gambit was taken up to the ladder and he practically ran through it, not missing a step of either his back or front feet.

As you can gather Gambit and I are having fun doing tricks


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Would love to see the video of Gambit skipping the rope :eek: Not sure what you mean about the ladder on the ground though? I am thinking of teaching Moses to walk along a ladder off the ground, I want him to put his paws on the rungs.

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Hi kiddo

How is life treating you?

Sorry, me again not finishing my sentence correctly.

The pot plant containers were put under each corner of the ladder, making them take the ladder about 20 cm off the ground.

Would love to see the video of Gambit skipping the rope :cheer: Not sure what you mean about the ladder on the ground though? I am thinking of teaching Moses to walk along a ladder off the ground, I want him to put his paws on the rungs.
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