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Trouble Settling Puppy Outside


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We're having a bit of trouble with our new puppy, Jedi (9 weeks old tomorrow). He was almost instantly crate trained (only whined for 5 minutes, and since then never did it again!). He sleeps the entire night in his crate without fussing (we take him to toilet every 2-2.5 hours). WOO HOO! :rolleyes:

During the day while we are not home (up to 4-5 hours depending on the day) we were hoping to leave him outside (secure yard + ex pen with crate attached with LOTS of toys). We had considered crating him while we were away, but because it can be up to 5 hours it's not really suitable at his age. When we left him outside at first he would cry after 2 seconds, but we have extended this by slowly increasing the amount of time he is outside alone (including when we are home) and praising him when he is quiet. Now he is outside for longer periods (up to 1.5 hours) without fussing (he's been outside now for half an hour and we haven't heard a peep!), but sometimes he starts whining almost straight away again.

Obviously with him being only a 9 week old baby we are not expecting him to be able to settle himself really well, but I would just like some advice on whether we are going about this the right way or if anyone has any suggestions.

Edited by TerraNik
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:rolleyes: sounds like you are doing well!

outside needs to be a puppy's paradise ;)

make sure he has a secure area.. one where he can 'den'..and feel safe.

his world needs interactive things... cardboard boxes, noise-making toys ( a couple of toys at a time,only.... at a time...rotate them)/... things to chew..large bones..a puppy kong with treats /peanut butter inside..a rope toy... a large ball..like a soccer ball..even small pups enjoy rolling them around :laugh:

A large bin or something full of clean sand to dig in..play with....

Basically..outside should be somewhere his treasures are, and where he can enjoy being a puppy!

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Well I think we have most of that covered!! He has his crate (which he goes in by himself when he wants to sleep), plus he has a tennis ball, a holy roller, some rope toys, some squeeky toys, stuffed toys and empty plastic bottles. He is not a huge fan of his kong (he is not sure how to 'hold it' with his paws yet!), but we leave it with him.

He seems to be doing amazingly well, and then has a few steps back... I assume this is normal.

It has been such a long time since I had a puppy!!!! I just don't want to end up with a puppy/dog with separation anxiety.

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Great advice Persephone! We used the bathroom, then built up to the bedroom, then added the balcony and now pup at 6.5 mths has free run when we aren't home. The key for us was the "puppy paradise" or doggy heaven as we called it :rolleyes:

We made it so great to be left home alone (including giving a stuffed Kong right as we left), so great in fact that sometimes Timmy sits and waits for us to leave. He sat and gave me the tired "almost asleep" look before I went out the other day and I caught a sneaky peak at him happily mosying on over to his special cushion to devour his Kong stuffed with biscuit.

Equivalent of me kicking back with a chardy, trashy mag and my feet up when hubby goes to golf! ;)

Make it so he associates going outside with GOOD things, then he will practically crave that time alone.

Edited by sjl79
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the hints... Jedi is now LOVING outside and often goes out and stays out there alone by choice!! We decided to keep most of his toys outside and to have 'play time' outside, etc. He hardly whines now at all and when he does it is for a few seconds and then he waits for us to come let him in.

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Eeek! Jedi has little bear paws like Kivi Tarro!


You're doing better than me! I give KT Kongs and his meals in the pen, and leave him with a couple of his toys and a blanket in the kennel, but if I'm not in the yard with him, he's crying or sleeping if he's in the pen. He's been going for about 15 minutes, now, and it's his second round (I had about 20 minutes of blissful silence, there). He loses interest in the Kongs and toys when he realises he's by himself. I think I'm just going to have to wait it out. Loves the pen when someone is out there with him, just desperately lonely on his own, even though my older dog is in the yard with him. She tends to retreat to somewhere as far as possible from him, though. She doesn't like cry-baby puppies.

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  corvus said:
Eeek! Jedi has little bear paws like Kivi Tarro!


You're doing better than me! I give KT Kongs and his meals in the pen, and leave him with a couple of his toys and a blanket in the kennel, but if I'm not in the yard with him, he's crying or sleeping if he's in the pen. He's been going for about 15 minutes, now, and it's his second round (I had about 20 minutes of blissful silence, there). He loses interest in the Kongs and toys when he realises he's by himself. I think I'm just going to have to wait it out. Loves the pen when someone is out there with him, just desperately lonely on his own, even though my older dog is in the yard with him. She tends to retreat to somewhere as far as possible from him, though. She doesn't like cry-baby puppies.

KT is gorgeous!!!!!! Is he a finnish lapphund? We had the same problem with Jedi... We basically started off leaving him for 5 seconds and just coming back into his view so he knew we were still around. Jed would stop whining as soon as he saw one of us. I just kept on increasing the time until he was comfortable (over a 1 week period). It helped to do it when he was tired, but really it was all about persistence and not going outside or letting him in until he was quiet for 30 seconds+.

Now he chooses to go outside without us all the time!! He will whine a couple of times quietly at the door so that we know he wants to come in but doesn't carry on like he did previously. Just stick to your guns and you'll get there!! :love: I think it helped that we only really had 'play time' outside and all but a few of his toys are kept out there.

Edited by TerraNik
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