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A Wet Noodle


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What to do with a Puli pup what seems to enjoy (in a weird sort of way... she ususally hates water) getting soaked in the rain.

Just got hope from the ballet/karate kids taxi services and found Noodle in her kennel (finally it seems) ... soaked!! ;) Half hour later she is dry and inside.

She wont stay out of the rain undercover and for whatever reason wanders around teh backyard in the open until she feels the water it seems and then decides to retreat to her kennel to get warm. :laugh:

She has an undercover area and a HUGE kennel.

Any suggestions or is Noodle got something wrong with her 'noodle'??!! :rolleyes:

I am about to head out to work for 2 hours this afternoon and I am going to leave her inside this time (crated) with something to chew on.

Do I assume she will develop some sense and put two and two together and realise that if she wanders around in the rain she is eventually going to feel it through that thick coat of hers? AND IT IS 8 DEGREES TODAY! Crazy girl!!Or do I need to pen her outside to ensure she stays dry .. or not worry at all about her getting wet?

I reckon if I put a dog coat on her she will either detroy it with her lovely new adult teeth or still get soaked on the head, tummy legs ... lotta hair on the Puli pup.


Puli pup nearly 6mths.

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  stormie said:
What about a waterproof coat for her? That way she can still go out in the rain but not get so wet.

Hi Stormie,

Thanks for the reply. I have a coat for her, a Thermo master and a Wagwear one that are waterproof (but still concerned she will use those lovely adult pearly whites she has just acquired to shred it. Also concerned that if she does this will she get caught up in it (safety concerns when unsupervised) .. perhaps I am being a bit over cautious?

I crated her this afternoon with no issues .. lots of inside games tonight .. she really wanted to play .. not much fun being inside as a pup. It has been pouring most of the afternoon .. too hard to even go for a walk. I have put her outside for a little while now until I go to bed as it has let up enough for her to go to the toilet and have a wander. Will bring her in tonight as usual.

Can't wait until she is full grown as there are is a K9 coat I want to get her that will protect her cords and coat in general. Again not sure that she wouldn't sharpen her teeth on it. :cooldance:

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  qashmir said:
Hi. You need to contain her in the wet weather. And no, they don't develop a sense to keep dry! Lol! I have afghans that would happily lay in the rain if i let them.

Oh dear! I can only imagine your afghans soaking wet .. any photos per chance?

I am thinking perhaps penning her outside but with the kennel inside the penned area to keep her in and hopefully try to reinfore using the kennel ... not sure that will work .. not keen to pen her on the decked area though .. pretty hard to clean up poop :cooldance: Today is the first day of real rain we have had for while. Poor Noodle ... it is also her first winter.

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I was told many years ago that one reason most dogs won't use their kennels, beds etc is because they are usually put in a place out of the dog's line of sight of our (human) doorways. Dogs like to know what we are doing, even inside a house they usually position themselves so that they can see where we are going inside the house, watching our every movement! So it is possible that even though we think we've done the right thing and put their kennel in a nice safe place under cover etc our dog might still go and sit right at the back door waiting for us to come out if they can't see it from where their kennel is. How many of us trip over our dog lying in the doorway? :thumbsup:

So probably unless you pen her in this area Noodle might still be drawn to wait for you at the back door until she gets cold and wet and sense enters her brain! Or perhaps she just likes the rain as opposed to a bath, I know one labrador who tries to catch the rain in her mouth - very funny to watch and makes such a funny noise to!

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If it makes you feel any better goldens are the same, now why stay nice and dry when there's rain to run around in and sit in and then mud to roll in :thumbsup:

Noodle is certainly a beautiful dog!

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  Jigsaw said:
I was told many years ago that one reason most dogs won't use their kennels, beds etc is because they are usually put in a place out of the dog's line of sight of our (human) doorways. Dogs like to know what we are doing, even inside a house they usually position themselves so that they can see where we are going inside the house, watching our every movement! So it is possible that even though we think we've done the right thing and put their kennel in a nice safe place under cover etc our dog might still go and sit right at the back door waiting for us to come out if they can't see it from where their kennel is. How many of us trip over our dog lying in the doorway? :rolleyes:

So probably unless you pen her in this area Noodle might still be drawn to wait for you at the back door until she gets cold and wet and sense enters her brain! Or perhaps she just likes the rain as opposed to a bath, I know one labrador who tries to catch the rain in her mouth - very funny to watch and makes such a funny noise to!

Hi Jigsaw .. well that confirms it .. it is her 'noodle' that is the problem ... sense has not yet kicked in!!! :thumbsup:

Her kennel is right next to the back sliding door so she can see everything as it is side on to the door so if she is sitting in it she can see straight through the door to our sliding door.

Once again she was wet when I let her out this morning :thumbsup: After a dry down we headed off to the Million Paws Walk with a coat. The only Puli there I think today :rolleyes:

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One of my Puli will chase the rain drops and loves to lay outside in the rain, she will also lay in her water bucket.

My older girl use to love the rain until she reached about 10mth of age then hated the water.

I have a large sun room inside where they stay when its raining really heavy and I'm not home, only due to it taking so long to completely dry a puli with cords.

Good luck

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We have Labradors that play all day in the rain and its only about 7 degree hear today and they took themselves for a swim. :)

Some dogs jjust love the water and I'm not at all 100% certain it has anything to do with breed.

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  storm said:
One of my Puli will chase the rain drops and loves to lay outside in the rain, she will also lay in her water bucket.

My older girl use to love the rain until she reached about 10mth of age then hated the water.

I have a large sun room inside where they stay when its raining really heavy and I'm not home, only due to it taking so long to completely dry a puli with cords.

Good luck

Hi Storm,

Looks like she will have to be inside or contained on those really wet days (groan) ... feel mean but as she gets older and those cords develop it will take hours rather than 45 minutes with the dog dryer (35-45 minutes with the dog dryer and 4 towels even now).

No matter,...can always hope some sense might prevail as she gets older .. love her to bits :)

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  storm said:
One of my Puli will chase the rain drops and loves to lay outside in the rain, she will also lay in her water bucket.

My older girl use to love the rain until she reached about 10mth of age then hated the water.

I have a large sun room inside where they stay when its raining really heavy and I'm not home, only due to it taking so long to completely dry a puli with cords.

Good luck

Hey Storm,

That whole litter love water! Molly will be outside playing in the puddles on a rainy day if she has half a chance. From what I understand all the others are the same. Must be in their genes - not all my Pulis love water like this lot!

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  Pulilover said:
  storm said:
One of my Puli will chase the rain drops and loves to lay outside in the rain, she will also lay in her water bucket.

My older girl use to love the rain until she reached about 10mth of age then hated the water.

I have a large sun room inside where they stay when its raining really heavy and I'm not home, only due to it taking so long to completely dry a puli with cords.

Good luck

Hey Storm,

That whole litter love water! Molly will be outside playing in the puddles on a rainy day if she has half a chance. From what I understand all the others are the same. Must be in their genes - not all my Pulis love water like this lot!

Whoopi is a complete fruit loop when it comes to water, even when she find a small puddle she dig, try to roll in it and growls at the water.

Glad to know she isnt the only one, Even when I have a bath if you dont close the door before you get in she is first in

The house is not boring with her thats for sure

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My Lab did this a lot as a puppy and still hasn't stopped. If we leave him in his run when its raining without fail, 5 minuets later he is laying down on his back letting the rain fall in his mouth. :laugh:

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My Keeshonds wont use shelter, they just hang out in the rain, so if its raining in the morning they have to be locked away after a toilet run. If it rains unexpectedly when I am not home, well they get wet.

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  labs26 said:
No real advice here, just want to say that I love the adventures Noodle has!!!

Well the adventures of Noodle nearly came to a grinding halt tonight ... I turned around and I think she swallowed a WHOLE chicken neck!!! :rofl: She wimpered for a couple of seconds so I rubbed her back and nexk and she stopped. Usually she chews them up! What is with the swallowing!!! She wont be getting those to eat on her own ever again!!

Just been on the phone to the vet clinic and it will be a wait and see .. the advice is that the neck should be broken down But I am concerned about obstructions occuring....worry wort that I am!

Noodle seems fine at the moment .. just lying her on the floor next to me...........................LIFE! It ain't boring around this joint with the Noo around that's for sure!! I reckon I could have another 3 threads going on some of the stuff she does at the moment !! :rofl:

Silly silly girl ... sitting in the bloomin' rain, swallowing whole chicken necks .. what is she thinking ????? :) or more to the point ... is anything going on underneath all of that hair of hers :thanks:

gorgeous girl.....

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Don't worry too much about the chicken necks my Weimy, George and his kennel mate Dave the Viszla manage to swallow them whole quite often and no problems so far.

As far the going out in the rain mine have the opposite problem they hate the rain. They will come for a walk no problem but we have problems with them toileting in the wet weather. As soon as it is raining neither of them will go to the proper place and then poo and pee all over the patio and if it is really raining a lot under the verandah!!! The place they normally go does get muddy so perhaps that's why.

Any tips for solving this one anyone, they are both 4 months old and we (fingers crossed) don't have inside toilet problems anymore.

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