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How To Get A Dog To Gain Weight.


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She will soon gain weight :laugh: Looking at her photos she isnt to bad , lamb flaps are great for fattening dogs up, other than good quality food will soon see her right :-)

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She will soon gain weight :laugh: Looking at her photos she isnt to bad , lamb flaps are great for fattening dogs up, other than good quality food will soon see her right :-)

Hope so, it's hard to see from her pics but she really is under weight :mad

I gave her a feed of chicken necks, mince, wings, liver and a bit of mince and veg and she demolished it !! I tried her on some biscuts but she wasn't keen, maybe she never had dry food but hopefully she'll get used to it in time as I like to give Lucy some in the mornings.


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She will quickly Ben and before you know it you will be watching her weight being a Lab x, we have had a few dogs lately that have been emaciated and within a month they are back to normal weight...What you are feeding her sounds fine, maybe buy some lamb flaps for her :laugh: Instead of bikkies until she starts eating them but I would seperate the girls if feeding them, (lamb flaps) raw food can cause problems between the nicest dogs..

Edited by varicool
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She will quickly Ben and before you know it you will be watching her weight being a Lab x, we have had a few dogs lately that have been emaciated and within a month they are back to normal weight...What you are feeding her sounds fine, maybe buy some lamb flaps for her :laugh: Instead of bikkies until she starts eating them but I would seperate the girls if feeding them, (lamb flaps) raw food can cause problems between the nicest dogs..

never heard of lamb flaps but will certainly ask the butcher :mad Yeah I seperated Missy when she was feeding, I had her inside and will probably continue to do the same for a little while. I'm new to having 2 dogs, I have always grown up with just the one - any tips for having 2 dogs? I'm going to find it hard to walk them both at first I know, but hopefully Missy gets better on the lead and there'll be no issues.

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Two are always better than one I find :laugh: They exercise, play with each other :mad You can also buy a split lead that you can use instead of having two leads :-), The split lead is a normal lead but it had a little extension on it and has two sep clips,once the girls are used to each other it could be the way to go makes walking two dogs a heap easier, I always sep my two when I had two when feeding raw bones, the little beggars were great mates but bring a bone or anything similar to the mix and its war :D

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Two are always better than one I find :laugh: They exercise, play with each other :mad You can also buy a split lead that you can use instead of having two leads :-), The split lead is a normal lead but it had a little extension on it and has two sep clips,once the girls are used to each other it could be the way to go makes walking two dogs a heap easier, I always sep my two when I had two when feeding raw bones, the little beggars were great mates but bring a bone or anything similar to the mix and its war :D

yeah I saw a lady today with a split lead but they were smaller dogs and I wondered if Lucy would be up to it because she is so active and Missy is rather active herself to being a kelpie x lab.

i can sure see how they exercise each other, they didn't stop for 2 hours this evening and are both laying asleep stuffed now.

Edited by Lucy'sRun
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I have a problem with keeping weight on one of mine, tried everything, then found Eagle Pack Power and he is now doing great 4 weeks and such a difference, He has this with barf mince and lamb flaps.

I have not made the satin balls but I would have to make sooo many for a newfoundland.

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Brisket bones are also good for putting weight on a dog.... but varicool is right, once she is wormed & on good tucker she will gain weight quickly... & there is nothing worse, IMO, than a fat lab!!

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there is nothing worse, IMO, than a fat lab!!

I know what you mean! I have one that is totally food obsessed... but I strive to keep some sort of waistline thing going on - her dinner portions look so small, but she definitely doesn't need more than she is getting!


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when i rescued my boy he was extremely emaciated. I fed him on a super premium puppy food or a premium performance dry food for very active dogs. These are both higher in calories than a normal maintence diet. The pound also recommended feeding chicken wings as they use those all the time to fatten up the underweight rescues. I assume as wings have the skin on they would be more fattening than the chicken necks, lamb flaps and other fatty cuts of bone/meat would also work well. Butchers always have fatty off cuts available. As others have said you will find once she is on a good diet she will gain weight pretty quickly with my boy he required surgery so they were keen for me to fatten him up ASAP and these are some tricks i found helped.

I was also told cottage cheese by someone who works at the RSPCA apparently thats what they use also to help thin dogs gain weight there, never tried it though. Dont know if it would agree with very dog ????

Edited by k9kutz
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The puppy dry food is great due to it's higher fat content. I've used it with one of my Rotties that had a high metabolism and was hard to keep weight on - even though he was one of the laziest dogs you'd ever meet... lol!


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The best 2 things I found were lamb flaps and human grade cheap mince (with lots of white in it).

Be careful of those satin balls - they are incredibly rich. My vet was not impressed with the contents of them.

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My standard bitch has always been veryunder weight. for her hedight she should be around the 20kg marks but is barely 16kg. I found that royal canin maintains the weight she has but she doesnt put any on so Ive started giving her 10 chicken necks for breakky which she eats happily them 3 cups of kibble at night and thats doing to job well... plus they are cheep at only $2.50 a kilo!

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