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Tear Staining

Guest Willow

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My vets advice is that if the baby canines are retained for a week after the adult ones start emerging, they should be removed.

best to have them removed asap, if your lucky they will be loose and the vet can just wiggle them out but Boo's is firmly in there so he's under a general to have it taken out. Give bones and hard chew toys a try for a couple of days and see if it will work it's way loose but if not, get to the vet :rofl:

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Well, Izzy's going in to get desexed next week - he's going to look at her eyes then, so I'll mention the teeth so he can do it while she's under if need be.

I'm off to the butcher to buy a lamb shank for my girl so she can start chewing on the weekend to see what happens. They're not loose at all.

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Well, Izzy's going in to get desexed next week - he's going to look at her eyes then, so I'll mention the teeth so he can do it while she's under if need be.

I'm off to the butcher to buy a lamb shank for my girl so she can start chewing on the weekend to see what happens. They're not loose at all.

oh that's good, saves you the cost of another general!

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just got a call from the vet, turns out he had an incisor still retained as well but thankfully his teeth are sitting nicely and it hasn't caused any problems.

They checked his eyes, no scratches on them, a tiny bit inflamed and she said it looks more like irritation from dust than an infection of any sort. No ingrown eyelashes but as it's not coming down his nose the ducts could be a bit blocked so he has eye drops for the next few weeks and we'll see how that goes. Could be a chance his ducts just don't do what they are supposed to and he's just "one of those dogs" but soon we'll know for sure.

Thanks Dolers, without you I wouldn't have asked about it.

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2 of my Toy poodles suffer from tear staining as well. As a groomer I see so many dogs with it so appears to be very common. All mine are on a natural diet and no matter which products you try nothing seems to help. My vet has checked them both out and everything is normal except the tears do not run down the back of the sinus instead spilling out of the eye and hence the stains i.e. blocked tear duct. Mine have been have on eye drops to help unblock the tear ducts but as they are 2 and 4 years old now my vet says it is very difficult to get them unblocked. She said it can be caused from other things like infections and eyelashes growing inward. In some cases but when all else is normal and the tear ducts are blocked my vet said it is Hereditary. She is very good but and wants to investigate some other options to see if anything can be done. It does not bother my guys in any way nor me for that matter other than not looking very nice, but if it can be corrected why not. Will let you know if u have any success.

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Very common in Cavaliers, known as "Cavalier Tears", and rarely worth worrying about, on a small percentage of dogs it may be extra eyelashes or an inhaleant allergy, but not so often .

All diet issues have been run through already, other causes, are of course teething, & growth spurts............Alot of Cavaliers will have tear staining on & off until their head stops changing which can be up to 3 years of age. Windy days or airconditioning on in the car can be enough to start some of mine off.

The only product that works is "Kojo eye conditioner", in & around the eye on a daily basis, unblocks tear ducts & removes staining, this can be purchased online at Petnetwork or Petcetera..........Other Cav people use eye envy, but this is quite expensive & involves a few steps.

Neutralising the colour is another popular trick in tear stained breeds, and this can be done by feeding buttermilk powder daily, or a daily sugar cube size of cream cheese..........The latter is easier to buy.

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Get some Optrex eyewash from the chemist, soak cotton wool ball and wipe eyes every couple of days. Quick story: I had Maltese with blood red faces from staining, no commercial products worked, one Maltese contracted a mild eye infection, vet told me to use Optrex. I couldn't believe the difference in a matter of days. I used it on both dogs and after a very short space of time one dog had no staining and the other had just a tiny bit.

I still use it from time to time on all my dogs, just as a soother and when they have a little accumulation of "sleep".

Does this get rid of the existing stains or just prevent more staining?

I wipe Izzy's eyes almost daily. Some days are worse than others. As soon as I wipe, they start "leaking" again. The vet is going to check them out next week.


All I know is that one day when I was out with my dogs (they have both long since gone to god), a little girl said, "They have blood all over their faces." Needless to say I was shocked. After using Optrex regularly and then just every couple of weeks, the male ended up with a pure white face and the little girl, just the tiniest bit of staining. I don't have any digital photos of them otherwise I would post.

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Marley had bad staining, but it was because of eye problems (distichiasis). He's had surgery and it fixed it up. However he is now having problems again, staining and his chops are pink ... after running tests and all of that he's either allergic to something he's eating or its a contact allergy.

With Cavaliers its not that its 'normal' for them to have staining they are just far more prone to these sorts of problems, its just finding out what's causing it that can be difficult!


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Well, Izzy's going in to get desexed next week - he's going to look at her eyes then, so I'll mention the teeth so he can do it while she's under if need be.

I'm off to the butcher to buy a lamb shank for my girl so she can start chewing on the weekend to see what happens. They're not loose at all.

Tried bones over the weekend and lots of chew toys - still not loose. I'll ring the vet tomorrow to see if he wants to do that on Thursday, too.

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As tight as some retained teeth may seem they will come out in good time & are doing no harm as they are right now.

Not always Cavandra. I've seen shots of adults with retained canines. If he's going under general for desexing, it seems a good opportunity to take out the retained canines.

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As tight as some retained teeth may seem they will come out in good time & are doing no harm as they are right now.

Well Boo's puppy canine had a tiny bit of plaque build up on it because food got stuck in there. Personally I wouldn't want to chance progressively worse tooth problems, not to mention the fact that they can push the adult teeth crooked if there isn't enough room for them.

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The vet checked Izzy's eyes and she has no visible tear duct openings, that's why her tears can't go anywhere but down her face.

We can send her to a opthamologist and he may be able to find the openings with a very powerful microscope and whatever tools they use but he still might not be able to find them.

While ever they're not worrying her, he said not to worry too much about it.

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