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Tear Staining

Guest Willow

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Guest Willow

What's the best thing to remove brown tear stains from white dog fur???

My poor little foster girl has a stripey face :laugh:

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First stop is the vet to check that tear ducts are not blocked and that there is no infection.

Next comes removing all artificial colours, flavours and, the most important, preservatives from the dogs diet. That obviously includes treats. Cut down on the grain / starch content of the dogs diet too. Yeast overload can cause eye staining, usually 'red yeast' with a distinctive smell.

Most dogs with eye staining improve dramatically on a raw meaty bones diet.

The hair that is already stained will grow out in time, bleach can make it look better but makes the hair porous so it is easier to stain and is risky around eyes. Some of the eye stain removers work for some dogs.

All the best.

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First stop is the vet to check that tear ducts are not blocked and that there is no infection.

Next comes removing all artificial colours, flavours and, the most important, preservatives from the dogs diet. That obviously includes treats. Cut down on the grain / starch content of the dogs diet too. Yeast overload can cause eye staining, usually 'red yeast' with a distinctive smell.

Most dogs with eye staining improve dramatically on a raw meaty bones diet.

The hair that is already stained will grow out in time, bleach can make it look better but makes the hair porous so it is easier to stain and is risky around eyes. Some of the eye stain removers work for some dogs.

All the best.

already checked with the vet, just usual for Cavaliers to have staining. Boo is fed BARF and none of his treats contain preservatives or artificial additives - still with the tear stains!

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I also have a Cavalier but no eye staining now.

If you have already covered the above. Stop all the wheat, beef, soya, maize(corn) and nightshade family vegies (Potatoes, tomatoes) ie all the usual items that dogs tend to be allergic to.

Taking all grain and vegies out of the barf mix would be worth a try.

Trial and error but you will get there. :love:

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Get some Optrex eyewash from the chemist, soak cotton wool ball and wipe eyes every couple of days. Quick story: I had Maltese with blood red faces from staining, no commercial products worked, one Maltese contracted a mild eye infection, vet told me to use Optrex. I couldn't believe the difference in a matter of days. I used it on both dogs and after a very short space of time one dog had no staining and the other had just a tiny bit.

I still use it from time to time on all my dogs, just as a soother and when they have a little accumulation of "sleep".

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Get some Optrex eyewash from the chemist, soak cotton wool ball and wipe eyes every couple of days. Quick story: I had Maltese with blood red faces from staining, no commercial products worked, one Maltese contracted a mild eye infection, vet told me to use Optrex. I couldn't believe the difference in a matter of days. I used it on both dogs and after a very short space of time one dog had no staining and the other had just a tiny bit.

I still use it from time to time on all my dogs, just as a soother and when they have a little accumulation of "sleep".

Does this get rid of the existing stains or just prevent more staining?

I wipe Izzy's eyes almost daily. Some days are worse than others. As soon as I wipe, they start "leaking" again. The vet is going to check them out next week.


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already checked with the vet, just usual for Cavaliers to have staining. Boo is fed BARF and none of his treats contain preservatives or artificial additives - still with the tear stains!

Sorry, but no it isn't. The staining is bacteria breeding in the damp skin under his eyes. How are his teeth/gums?

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Izzy's teeth and gums are perfect. She is only five months, though so I guess you wouldn't expect anything but...

Not at that age, but tear staining can have a lot of causes from physical ones (eye shape, tear duct issues) to allergies to disease issues. I view is as indicator that all it not right with the dog.

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She could also have a susceptibility to yeast etc - try a small amount of mylanta each day.

I've put my 8kg dog onto about 50ml of mylanta per day (to start with, down to every 2nd day in the 2nd week and so on) and within the first 48 hours of treatment, his eye goobers had changed from a red colour, to a white colour. I stopped the mylanta suddenly after 5 days and it took a week, but it is now back to red. Needless to say, he's just gone back on it :rofl: It changes the pH balance of the stomach and stops the bacteria/yeast from being able to breed and therefore producing the red colour.

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we are off to the vet tomorrow, (our preffered one this time) Boo is getting a puppy canine removed as it hasn't gone by itself and isn't in the slightest bit loose! Hopefully we'll find out what's causing it :rolleyes:

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we are off to the vet tomorrow, (our preffered one this time) Boo is getting a puppy canine removed as it hasn't gone by itself and isn't in the slightest bit loose! Hopefully we'll find out what's causing it :rolleyes:

Kissindra it could be as simple as the teething. :dropjaw: Quite a few dogs stain during that.

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we are off to the vet tomorrow, (our preffered one this time) Boo is getting a puppy canine removed as it hasn't gone by itself and isn't in the slightest bit loose! Hopefully we'll find out what's causing it :offtopic:

Funny you say that. Izzy's top canines haven't fallen out, either. Her new ones are coming through but they puppy ones aren't even loose. She has lost all her other puppy teeth.

A couple of people have mentioned teething causes staining, too but our vet said that isn't true.

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