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How Far Are You Willing To Travel?


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For me it would be between an hour and an hour and a half ( hope that made sense). Their isn't many trials around my area so mostly I just go to the local ones.

So what about everyone else?

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4 hours is about the furthest I've gone so far. Will be doing 3 to Bendigo this weekend :cheer:

I'm 2.5 hours from the city and I do quite a few city trials. Thinking seriously of doing a few interstate trials later on in the year or next year, but then again I don't pay for my fuel either. Makes a huge difference to the trial budget! :cheer:

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Guest Clover

We have been to Qland for Flyball (24 hours to get there), i probably wont do that again.. unless other Flyballers wanted to take the trip aswell. We are going to Sydney late next year, that will be about 11 hours of driving + human/ canine wee stops :cheer:.

ETA: Normal 'local' comps are usually about 1 - 3 hours away, unless it is a Ballarat comp then it is less than 5 mins.

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As little as possible! Living in Brisbane now means I can trial fairly regularly and only have to travel a max of about half an hour to get to a trial. When I used to live up in North QLD aside from my club's own trials (3 times a year) the closest other trials were about an hour away (also about 3-4 times a year) and after that it was Townsville (4 hours drive)... I even went all the way to Proserpine one year (6 hours drive), needless to say I never did that trial again! I would probably only travel for a fairly special trial these days as I just don't have the time to drive long distances!

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Living 3 hours from any agility is a pain training wise.

I am heading off next week for 3 hr drive to a ADAA agility comp. I'm just beginning so dogs can only do 1 run each both days. So I decided one is suddenly ready to go at the next level as well. Least he'll get a 2 extra runs a day.

Lucky for me my sister lives 5 mins from one competition area and 6 mins from a canine complex comp area as well. Handy!

My friend who trains with me (instant club of 2!) drives to Parramatta to go to training sometimes.

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I wont travel too far if it is only for 1 trial, but will go a fair distance if there is a double or triple on... Living in Brisbane there are quite a few trials easily accessible, I did go to Gympie and Maryborough (for their double / triple trials) a few months ago and heading to Coffs at the end of this month (but I am also doing the confirmation shows there too) :laugh:

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I have travelled to Perth (I'm in Canberra) for agility trials :laugh: That was the Nationals though :laugh: Have done Melbourne Royal too. Generally 3.5 to 4 hours one way is my limit for regular weekend of agility trials, although for a good weekend of trialing I will do 5-6 hours. Retrieving trials are usually within 3-4 hours drive. Obedience I stick to just local.

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We travelled to Canberra for the flyball nationals which was about 14 hours each way towing a trailer. It was worth every second - made it our holiday for the first half of the year.

For a one day comp I'd travel up to about 2.5 hours each way, for a weekend it wouldn't really matter, would just work around it and make it a short break.

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i travel 1 1/2 hours each way to training sometimes once a week usually once a fortnight, travel anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 to comps, used to travel 2 hours to training and 6 hours to comps ... all times are one way... travel 10 hours to the Grand prix(one way) each year

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We travelled from Victoria to Queensland last year and Victoria to Canberra earlier this year for flyball.

My local comp out here is 2.5 hours away. Will be travelling 5 hours for a double back to back......wouldnt do it for a single trial!

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This thread made me laugh! Wouldn't do it now but about 24 years ago I was trialling Wellington and it suddenly dawned on me that he preferred night trials as we did all our training at night ( he was only my 2nd trial dog and I wasn't very bright back then)

There were three trials left for the year 1. Mount Gambier, 2. Broken Hill, 3. SAODC on 3 consecutive week-ends, I did the great Aussie thing and 'chucked a couple of sickies and yep, I did the 3 and we got our CD! It was a good holiday.

Do trialling and see your State!

Annie and her boyz

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