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How Often Should I Feed A Nine Month Old Puppy.


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Sophie, our Chihuahua, is 9 months old now and I was wondering if she is old enough for one feed a day. I have been putting about 1 dessertspoon of RC out for her in the morning. She is not too fussed about it and it sits there all day, but when I mix it with her fresh meat and chopped chicken neck, she gobbles the whole lot.

Should I be giving her just the main 5pm meal now?

She also has a big marrow bone which she chews on during the day. No meat left on it but she just loves gnawing it, and I know it is good for her teeth.

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Sophie, our Chihuahua, is 9 months old now and I was wondering if she is old enough for one feed a day. I have been putting about 1 dessertspoon of RC out for her in the morning. She is not too fussed about it and it sits there all day, but when I mix it with her fresh meat and chopped chicken neck, she gobbles the whole lot.

Should I be giving her just the main 5pm meal now?

She also has a big marrow bone which she chews on during the day. No meat left on it but she just loves gnawing it, and I know it is good for her teeth.

Louie is 9 months and has been on one meal for about a month already. For much the same reason as Sophie, he just did not touch his breakfast - but gee he gobbles down his dinner!

I don't think with smaller dogs it is as important to feed more than once a day (due to different growing patterns).

Louie gets a few snacks during the day so they keep him going too.

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My 13yo Lhasa has had one meal a day for years......my 14 month old Aussie Shepherd has been on one meal a day since he was about 10 months old. With both of them, they stopped eating their morning meal...they'd sniff it, lick it and walk off and leave it so I just cut it out altogether.

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If she doesn't want her breakfast I'd scrap it all together. :) I would never leave food out all day for dogs because I think it is the beginner of a fussy eater! And I like the logic of the Jan Fennel book I've read. :)

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Sophie, our Chihuahua, is 9 months old now and I was wondering if she is old enough for one feed a day.

I never go down to just one meal a day - I always feed mine twice a day, from when they're 6 months old till the end of their lives.

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Sophie, our Chihuahua, is 9 months old now and I was wondering if she is old enough for one feed a day.

I never go down to just one meal a day - I always feed mine twice a day, from when they're 6 months old till the end of their lives.

Frodo I would be happy if she ate 2 meals a day, but she won't eat her breakfast. It is dry food so I just leave it to mix with her evening meal. She has cut herself down to one meal a day.

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Why don't you give her the chopped chicken neck for breakfast, and the mince and dry for dinner. My chi pup gets a 1 chicken neck for breakfast, a very little bit of dry during the day (maybe a dozen pieces of small breed puppy) and minced meat & vegies (about a tablespoon) for dinner. He is 6mths old. I too prefer all my dogs to eat two smaller meals a day, rather than one whole lump for dinner.

Edited by badboyz
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