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Runny Eyes?


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Hi all :rolleyes: Some mornings when Ellie wakes up, she has gunk in her eyes. its almost like the 'sleep' that humans get. Is it a problem? Does anyone else have this? Is there any way of 'fixing' it. If its not harmful I dont mind cleaning her eyes just concerned if it is normal or not. PS she usually sleeps outside but has been in the last few weeks due to the weather, it doesnt seem to matter whether she is in or out, she still gets it. She is a very heavy sleeper and quite often can be heard happily snoring through the night but Im sure this isnt the cause. :laugh:

Any suggestions? Advice?

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Hi. Some dogs do get more gunk in their eyes than others. It's pretty normal. Just don't let it build up and clean them with a damp tissue. Use only plain water on the tissue. If the gunk is yellow, green or creamy colored or if the eyes look red or sore, or if there is discomfort for the dog, then you need to see the vet.

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