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Sheba - German shephard

I was only a bub when we got her, I used to totter along holding onto her. My memories of her are mostly as an old girl, my mothers shadow who was always ready for a belly scritch and a pat or a game of fetch. She was definitely my mothers dog but was also very much family orientated and would protect us and come on long wanders with us around the countryside. We were heartbroken when old age and pain meant we had to give her rest.

Tagger - German shephard cross

The neighbours across the road had an accidental litter, and I remember looking at the wee tiny black pup, so sweet. I remember her puppy stage as a series of missing shoes and innocent expressions :) Where Sheba was always a grand and confidant lady, Tagger was an eternal puppy, always eager for approval and love. Again, she was my mothers shadow yet loved playing with us kids and took up Shebas habit of following us on our wanderings. She loved the water, and would disapear down the back of the property, coming back looking gleeful and covered in river mud. She was your constant companion on fishing trips, attempting to land the fish for you, or at least splash about madly. Where Sheba was happy to see you when you got home, Tagger was filled with bouncy glee :cheer: Even when she turned grey she still looked youthful, and acted the same rigth up to the end when it seemed her years all caught up with her at once. I remember her trusting look as we took her to the vet that last time.

Taffy - cockerspaniel

Taffy was a free to good home, she was the most beautiful, lively, funny girl. I remember my mother saying "why on earth would anyone give her away?" and we both knew we were lucky to have found her...then one day a few months after we'd brought her home she had a fit, I called my mother, frantic and terrified. We found out that Taffy had severe kidney problems and epilepsy. She was put on medication and special diets and continued to have intermitent fits that over time got worse. Through all of that she remained the sweetest, cheekiest bundle of love and we never once stopped feeling lucky to have found her. We knew we would only have a short time with her, but in that short time she supplied so much love and laughter that there is no way we could ever EVER forget her. Her flame may have burnt out quickly but it was the brightest of sparks. She was a sock and tissue stealing fiend, always ready for a game, always full of joy and she filled our hearts with love.

Dogs are the most lovely of creatures, when they pass it is so painful, but I am thankful of the memories I have and that I have been lucky enough to have them in my life. RIP beautiful pups.

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