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Licking, Hot To Touch?


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This afternoon when we got home Charlie's leg was wet - initially I thought he has been in the water bowl again - he has that habit :confused:

But now I have realised that he is licking this one spot at the top of his leg. When I put my hand on it the areas feels quite hot to touch. I've shone a torch on the area but can't see any bite or puncture wounds. He keeps licking at it though when ever we stop distracting him from it

I'm completely stumped - licking constantly is not in his personality traits

Gums are fine - pink with normal cap refill time, though they may be a bit warmer than normal

He doesn't appear in pain

Ate well

Went for a walk this arvo with normal gusto

We've got loads of spiders like redbacks and stuff here - could he have been bitten? I cannot think of what he could have done but for him to get his coat wet is a pretty big effort as it is really really thick

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Could be from a bump, or a bite, or a hot-spot forming, or a prickle.....or anxiety..and licking to excess can in itself cause some inflammation :confused:

wash the area ..put some cold compresses or ice on it for a few minutes...distract him, and see how he goes.

I am presuming it's a front leg?

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Thanks peresphone - yes a front leg and I may have found the cause

We did another run over his leg and just below the area that he has soaked through with licking there was a bump about pimple size which had a pussy head on it. A gentle squeeze (accidentally) and a heap of stuff has come pouring out of it. Like a pimple sort of I suppose but a lot more stuff and at the end there was a black spot that come out. I've washed the area and put a wet cold face washer on it and a small amount of betadine. He seems a little restless but not as bad as before

If he does not settle we might have a vet trip on our hands. Ill move his mat next to my bed tonight and keep an eye on him

Still not sure if that was the cause because he started licking at the top where the shoulder meets the leg and has licked right down to the knee. The lump was on the interior of the leg just below the knee

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sounds as if there was a foreign body in there..and it 'festered' :mad

A bit of betadine.. some low acid vit.C for the dog... keep it clean for a day or so... should be fine :confused:

Glad you found it :( It would have 'popped' on its own , but a bit later .

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