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Male Dogs,


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As someone else said, at sheepdog trials in season girls can compete but run last.

With my boy, if there is stock around, he will completely ignore in season girls as the stock is of far higher value.

In normal circumstances, I can get him to ignore an in season girl with a correction but it is not something I would want to do regularly as he needs to be interested in them sometimes.

Also obviously it depends a huge amount on the individual dog as some males simply cant control themselves.

hi jesomil-the only thing that might possibly hold his attention over a in season bitch would be a possum,dead or alive.but i think it might raise a few eyebrows in the ring,and the ire of the national parks and wildlife,greenies that are there too :( they also dont fit in my pockets very well-i may have to go the cargo pants look!!

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......low sex drive-how great is it having to give them a hand job to get them excited enough :p had to do that before many a time(maybe its why i dont have a boyfriend anymore :rofl: )

you CANT be serious? Can you? I feel so innocent right now :laugh:

i help ai dogs for my vet,have done horses and normally assist with first matings as well :o i was also the mating manager on an intensive piggery where EVERYTHING was hand mated :laugh: i was very good-i got the litter rate up from 6 to 15 per sow,so i must have good hands :o i know a few show people that have cranky males,and they routinely do this,if my male is cranky-well he can stay cranky!

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My males are focused when working. Mind you I would have to watch them like a hawk, if toiletting near off leash heat bitches were about, particularly if in peak heat.

When I travelled to a large training facility, where there were over 60 labradors in training, males dogs were trained with in heat bitches,as some "bitch" vetting is sometimes suspect during their competitions. When in full heat, the bitches were kept in runs, in another area.

Had to laugh the other day, one of my boys, who has visited the vet on 3 occasions for semen to be frozen........on his last visit, as soon as he entered the same vet consult room........he embarassed me.

Edited by Lablover
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Would sex drive be stronger than high prey drive dogs who have to ignore chasing things?

My Sibe would not leave a bitch in season to go chase any thing, sex is more important then food. :confused:

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