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Way To Go Leo


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Well, I am getting in here before LP gets back home probably LOL. LEO DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations LP on a fantastic performance for Leo to get his CDX and a nice second place!!! Damn, I bet this means that now I will NEVER get him :champagne:

Seriously though, maybe LP doesn't realise what a great team she and Leo look in the ring. It was my ring and I got to watch 'em go. It was excellent. Three cheers for you!

What was your score btw LP as I didn't catch it at the presentations (too busy yelling out title he he).

Also Dogdude I'm so sorry I didn't get to catch up with your family or find out how you went as was helping friends and then in the ring myself.

I was in the ring last on a warm day and generally have a hoodoo at this grounds. Still did have crappy heeling in the beginning but things picked up for what would have been a nice passing Open score of 187 but withdrew from stays as having issues there at moment so no stays for a couple of trials methinks.

BUT THE DAY DEFINITELY BELONGED TO LP AND LEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

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Way to go Leopuppy04 and boy!!!! Fantastic results! Compliments on the trial organisation too.

Arya: We went crap! :shakehead: Fantastic warm up........very attentive outside the ring.........got in the ring full of confidence but just looked like his mind was a million miles away. Started of with freezing on the first turn, (called him up) and he was great for the rest of the heel pattern (still on a pass).............great Stand for exam,........good retrieve on flat.........great retrieve over high jump...........NQ on C.O.P (looked at me like a dufus when I gave the drop signal).

I guess the really disappointing part for me was trying to work out why he froze during the heel pattern. I have never physically corrected him while heeling and he has never lost more than 1 or 2 points for heel exercise. I know the C.O.P thing was just a brainfade that I can explain and accept.

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Hehe - Thanks everyone!!! I am so glad that we *finally* got there. He has had soo many close shaves lately :cheer:

Leo ended up with a score of 184 - not the best work, he was a bit messy in areas - crooked sits, wide turns and one missed stand. But on the whole, considering he wasn't even picking up his d/b for the past few days (races out, looks at it and says "This is PLASTIC... I don't do PLASTIC!") I am thrilled to bits he put it all together for me :champagne:

I hope everyone there had an enjoyable day :thumbsup:. Arya - from what I saw (I missed the heeling) Tess was looking lovely - much more animated than she has ever been in Novice!!!! :confused:

Off to play with the big kids now.... well not really since it's time for Kinta to come out and play *vbg*

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Way to go LP and Leo :rainbowbridge::hug: Brilliant work and finally up with the big kids.

Sorry Cooper and I could not make it today. BC had dramas this morning and it was just not happening so we missed out :hug: :hug:

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Whoo Hoo Go Leo

You have let the failure thread down :rainbowbridge:

I know! How norty of us! I'll have words with the boy - always letting down everyones' expectations!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Dont worry LP, you've got Kinta


Or you wanted Ed the other week, after today you can have him!

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Way to go Leopuppy04 and boy!!!! Fantastic results! Compliments on the trial organisation too.

Arya: We went crap! :shakehead: Fantastic warm up........very attentive outside the ring.........got in the ring full of confidence but just looked like his mind was a million miles away. Started of with freezing on the first turn, (called him up) and he was great for the rest of the heel pattern (still on a pass).............great Stand for exam,........good retrieve on flat.........great retrieve over high jump...........NQ on C.O.P (looked at me like a dufus when I gave the drop signal).

I guess the really disappointing part for me was trying to work out why he froze during the heel pattern. I have never physically corrected him while heeling and he has never lost more than 1 or 2 points for heel exercise. I know the C.O.P thing was just a brainfade that I can explain and accept.

Oh, I'm so sorry Dogdude! You were in the ring closest to the clubhouse, weren't you? Maybe something did make him feel nervous because of that? Maybe it was the fact your family was there, even though they were so far from the ring? (sorry I didn't get to meet them!!!) I'm sure it was just something off on the day as he is so good! I know you said he doesn't like warm and it did get pretty warm, didn't it. Maybe that put him off.

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Congrats Leopuppy!!!

Sorry I missed the rest of you, I ummm slept in and got there rather late!!!

I wondered if that was you Arya, but feel like a twit going up to people and asking!!!

Jules, you should have come up, I would have loved to meet you!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: I am friendly... so is Tess LOL. And nobody's a bigger twit than me, I'm telling you...

Were you in Open ring? Next time, just come up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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lol, I was talking to Leopuppy at the same time you were.

Jules - must apologise for being so anti-chatty before we went in... My heart was in my mouth for the stays!!!

I just love when we walked out - Leo knew he had done good. Once he had his 'jackpot' - he went around to everyone, jumping on them as if to say "hey - apparently I did good... congratulate me"!!!!! ROFL! He tried to jump on Arya, but Tess didn't think that a good idea (quite likely because Leo may have landed on top of her!)

Such a silly boy :laugh: :laugh:

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