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Weaning A Pup Onto A Raw Diet


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I would like to wean Kari's pup onto a raw diet when it is old enough. Has anyone weaned a pup straight onto raw food? How do you calculate the amount for the pup? Is there anything you should/shouldn't give a pup that you do give an adult?

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Guest Tess32

I put my pup straight onto it mostly at 8 weeks. He had some dry though at that point.

Basically they get about 10% of their current weight OR 2-3% of their ideal adult weight guestimate, whichever is lowest.

For example my pup, I estimated to grow to 25kg or so, so he gets about 500 - 600 grams of food per day. When he was 8 weeks he was about 6kg which again, 10% worked out to 600 or so grams. If they get too skinny, increase etc.

I started him on chicken wings, chicken frames, lamb necks etc....if he couldn't eat it, he left it.

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our pups all start on raw meat...at around 4 weeks they are given large meaty bones, on which they suck and chew.....

when they have a bit more control over their chewing, they are given chopped up meat with additives like eggs ...apples and other fruit whole, as playthings., and lots of chicken necks/wings

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Thanks Tess. I have some of my adults on raw and feed them approximately 3% of their ideal weight. I wasn't sure about a pup. I would be starting it at around 3 weeks.

Thanks Persephone. That gives me an idea for a baby.

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My pups are weaned onto raw meat from about 3 weeks of age.

Just pet mince from the dog food shop.

At about six weeks they go onto the the $1 a kilo from chicken shop.

With added chicken necks at one meal.

I also add some soaked Optimum while they are little and slowly reduce

the soaked till they just have dry Optimum mixed with mince.

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That is what I normally do Oakway. This time I want to feed it a totally raw diet with no commercial dry.

Norska, I had problems giving chicken wings to my 6 - 7 weeks old vizsla pups they wanted to swallow them whole so I went straight to chicken frames. You may not have that problem as your pup wont be trying to eat it before a litter mate can run off with it.

Also around 4 - 5 weeks or what ever age you are starting weaning and puppy has started to drink from a bowl gradually add some of the mince to the milk in a slushy sort of mixture. I used the chicken mince from the chicken abattoir with the frames minced in. Also as was said previously the meaty bones for chewing.

Edited by aranyoz
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I thought a raw diet was good for dogs after reading about the low meat content in commercial canned dog food but now Im having seconds thoughts about raw diets after reading this article http://www.healthypet.com/library_view.aspx?ID=121&sid=1

Which says that raw meat might have Salmonella which causes Salmonella infections in animals fed raw diets. It makes sense because humans are careful with meat preparation and cooking to fill off bacteria in raw meat.

Any thoughts??

Edited by happie
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I thought a raw diet was good for dogs after reading about the low meat content in commercial canned dog food but now Im having seconds thoughts about raw diets after reading this article http://www.healthypet.com/library_view.aspx?ID=121&sid=1

Which says that raw meat might have Salmonella which causes Salmonella infections in animals fed raw diets. It makes sense because humans are careful with meat preparation and cooking to fill off bacteria in raw meat.

Any thoughts??

Hi Happie, try this link as this is one of the myths about raw feeding, if you use quality food and handle and store/freeze it properly there should never be a problem.


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Guest Tess32
I thought a raw diet was good for dogs after reading about the low meat content in commercial canned dog food but now Im having seconds thoughts about raw diets after reading this article http://www.healthypet.com/library_view.aspx?ID=121&sid=1

Which says that raw meat might have Salmonella which causes Salmonella infections in animals fed raw diets. It makes sense because humans are careful with meat preparation and cooking to fill off bacteria in raw meat.

Any thoughts??

A dog's stomach acids can easily handle bacteria :D

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I have never given pups milk/slops...

To my mind..learning to lap is not very easy..it is easier to walk in the mess ;)

However with large bones full of meaty chunks..they explore..taste, then SUCK... after a little while, the sucking turns to chewing..then it's easy, and there is no messy bowls or poor pups trying to slurp up porridge :laugh:

I think pups get confused by semi-solids..their tongue isn't quite under enough control to hold much of the heavy mush... and if they try and chew..it's not solid enough to grip :(

Many years ago I used to do the milk/mince thing...never again. No need :D puppy teeth are adequate tools!

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Rarely do I give my pups any form of milk. (I use to give lactose free milk)

Not any more.

I do keep milk supplements should their be a problem with the bitch.

Please don't get worried over Salmonella. Dogs can't get it. Yes I know the vet told you yours/somebodies has Salmonella.

Dogs eat petrified meat. Just think of all the country dogs that go roaming and eat the 3 day old dead roo's. (Yes in the middle of summer) I don't like driving pass them, yuck the smell alone.

But see old farmer Brown's dogs tucking in for all they are worth. And no they haven't got Salmonella they are out working cattle the next day. :laugh:

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I have never given pups milk/slops...

To my mind..learning to lap is not very easy..it is easier to walk in the mess ;)

However with large bones full of meaty chunks..they explore..taste, then SUCK... after a little while, the sucking turns to chewing..then it's easy, and there is no messy bowls or poor pups trying to slurp up porridge :)

I think pups get confused by semi-solids..their tongue isn't quite under enough control to hold much of the heavy mush... and if they try and chew..it's not solid enough to grip ;)

Many years ago I used to do the milk/mince thing...never again. No need ;) puppy teeth are adequate tools!

I only use the milk mixture for a few days decreasing to no milk in about 5 days and only use Evaporated Milk broken down 50% with water, after that I may add a little natural yoghurt. It depends what works for you.

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I start mine on little balls of beef mince at 3 weeks & I stroke the sides of their mouths to induce the sucking motion so as they swallow it & this allows them to experience solids for the first time (Cavaliers are only little)

Putting a large meaty bone or a hunk of offal in the pen will let them play with it & taste it, rarely do mine actually eat it though ...

Chicken mince is a carcas minced so that is what an adult would eat, you can add wing tips & chopped necks as they get more competant in chewing etc,

If you need a more sloppy mix to start off , I use goats milk & cooked oats mixed in raw chicken mince, they love it being warmed too.

As for salmonella poisoning, that is a myth, dogs are carnivores, designed to eat raw meat & bones & old buried bones etc, they are made to break down bacteria & process raw meats..........

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