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Foo Off-season Melbourne Meet

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I might be able to make it, but neither of my two have had much training for quite some time now, I don't want to be embarrassed :eek:

Sorry, but trump card here every single time.....I have a Dalmatian...we'll make you look good :confused:

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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OK guys I'll try and join you all - if not to train, to have a bit of a chat and maybe show you the 2x2 method..... otherwise, we just *might* have to organise yet another meet!! We all know TSD did such a good job at organising this one, we can count on her to organise another too :D :confused:

Haven - please come - would love to see you and your guys again :eek:.... there are no standards that you have to be to come training :(

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Now LP I need help with weavers!!! I wanted you to show me the methods that you wrote about on here!! I have a nasty feeling I will be doing them next and Brock HATES weavers! Big sook of a dog!

I'll try and show you coz I really, really want to meet you all :kissbetter:

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Unless I stop feeling like I'm going to :rainbowbridge: in the next 10 minutes I won't be able to make it today :)

You will all have to have another Mr T meet in Croydon because I really want to come along!

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Ah bugger Haven

Thanks guys, I had a good day!

Great to meet TSD and see Mel and Dean and Jules again

Hope the others got something out of it, I definately did. And will feel comfy on the grounds next week too. If they arent bothered by a chainsaw and wood chipper then we are pretty right!

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Oh poor haven :love:

Great to meet everyone today (even if LP only appeared for 30 seconds and I didn't get to meet her dogs :love::love: )

I definitely got heaps out of it - thanks so much to everyone for their input & patience with Mad Zig and me.......I really appreciated it and it was particularly nice not to be training on my own for a change :love:

A few others are interested in having another session as well.....so please make note on this thread of any dates/times/locations that would/wouldn't suit you and watch this space :love:

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Zig is way closer than you told us too!

I was thinking on the way home, maybe you could practise stand for exam at the shows when he is entered? (like when you are sitting around before you go in) Then you would get different people doing it with him

Edited by shoemonster
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He has his moments :dummy:

We've only been doing "formal" training for 5-6 weeks - previously it was all pretty informal in the house.

SFE will definitely be a focus, as will focus, focus, focus (hopefully some of that will come with age.........or breed change :dummy: )

I really need to read the rule book too......... :dummy:

ETA: Very funny during the stays (first time with other dogs for Zig).....he was looking at the other dogs and you could see the thought process..."oh, at least I'm not the only one who has do this boring stuff" :dummy:

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ROFL SnT - I've watched it all already - I couldn't STAND the wait and got it over Amazon for about $30- $40 AUD when it first came out!!!! Let me know what you think of it, what you are up to!!! I'm a GG FREAK! ROFL!

So sorry I didn't get to chat for long other than a fleeting wave as everybody walked past! I hope everyone had fun and I want to participate PROPERLY next time :dummy:. The agility seminar was fantastic and it was just too good to step out of :dummy:

My guys had some fun in obedience (and rain) this morning and considering how busy their day was yesterday, they performed well. Kinta didn't have rockets flying up her butt, which helps as she works better and Leo was good, although a bit too antsy to get on with it... little blighter is going on judges commands at times now :dummy:.... somehow I *don't* think we'll be getting this pass at croydon either!!! ROFL! I've been told however that if I don't enter Kinta at Berwick at the end of May, my instructor is going to come and slap me silly :dummy:

Sooo....TSD - when's the next meet?!?!?!

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I had a great time too.

Had a big scare on the way home though..............Brydee jumped out of the car window and Oscar thought that he would "go and rescue her"!!!! :dummy: This happend in the merging lane of the Moroondah Hwy!!

Lucky I could quickly stop and do a quick count of limbs and broken bones, but all is ok.

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OK, I'll bite with dates first :dummy:

I can't do Saturday May 10th as I'm giving a cat behaviour seminar and will have Miss Bronte with me.....she walks on a harness, does a lovely recall, will fetch and responds well to clicker training......but..... :dummy:

At this stage, I can do any other weekend in May....

Saturday 3rd

Sunday 4th

Saturday 10th - Nope!

Sunday 11th

Saturday 17th

Sunday 18th

Saturday 24th

Sunday 25th

I propose that we mix up the venues - good for traveling and good for the dogs too!

ETA: :dummy: :dummy: :dummy: OMG DD!!!! Glad everyone is ok!

Ziggy slept the whole way home and hasn't been out of the house today....he really does need to learn to pace himself!

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